DiagnoSe (27-06-2007) (NDS Application)

Spinal has released a new version of DiagnoSe. DiagnoSe is a diagnose program for the Nintendo DS checking various functions.


Stylus test is now useful pixel fixer now has ‘single pixel mode’ motion test now detects rotation licks reboot-lib added.

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Rage2X v1.1 (GP2x Application)

Rage2X by JyCet is a frontend for GNGeo2x.,0,0,0,5,1294

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GNGeo2x v0.7a Beta 10 (NeoGeo emu for GP2x)

GNGeo2x is a NeoGeo Emulator for the GP2x with assembler Z80 core and graphics dumper. It runs most games at fullspeed including sound and features save states!,0,0,0,5,2182

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Colors! v1.02 (NDS Application)

Colors! is a simplistic digital painting application for Nintendo DS that is inspired by painting-techniques using Wacom boards in Photoshop or Painter.

Current features:
# Plain circle brush where pressure controls opacity
# 512×384 image resolution with 1 stage zoom
# Replay the whole painting process of an image
# Hue-circle and luminance/saturation-triangle style palette
# Simple Load/Save support

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Daedalus PSP R12 (N64 emu for PSP)

StrmnNrmn has released a new version of his Nintendo 64 emulator Daedalus for PSP.


# [!] Fixed issue preventing Goldeneye from being loaded.
# [!] Fixed dynarec for Goldeneye.
# [!] Fixed dynarec for Super Smash Bros.
# [!] Fix various texturing issues with 4bpp and small or non power-of-2 textures.
# [!] Fix TexRect instructions with negative s/t components.
# [!] Fixed the HUD in Mario 64 (broken in R11.)
# [!] Fixed lights in F3DEX2 microcodes.
# [+] Correctly implement instruction fetch exceptions, improving compatibility.
# [+] Improved floating point compatibility.
# [+] Correctly handle mask_s/mask_t tile values.
# [+] Implemented a few custom blend modes.
# [+] Screenshots just cover visible viewport.

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PSP v3.50 Downgrader (PSP misc)

noobz and team have released their application, which allows to downgrade 3.50′ PSP’s and make them play homebrew. An original version of Lumines 1 EUR/USA or Platinum is required. Please be careful and follow all instructions to avoid bricking.

The downgrading also enables the ability to play pirated games. Please keep in mind that many people are living from creating and selling games. You are encouraged to only use homebrew and originals with your PSP. Thanks!

The PDRoms staff does not take any responsibility for broken or bricked PSP’s. Downgrade at your own risk.

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Quake 2 PSP (26-06-2007) (PSP Game Port)

McZonk has released an updated version of his Quake 2 port for Playstation Portable.

Author notes:

I will be less or even not be available in the next days. My first exam is soon and I really should begin to learn. Well I already should have started, but it is the same every semester 🙂 I also want to start coding again after I passed my tests. I was coding for around two weeks now and got a pretty decent version. I am a little bit unhappy with the current version, because it is still very buggy, but I do not want to be away for a few weeks without releasing it. You can spam tons of bug reports, I only will answer when I have enough time. Thanks for all support and all nice comments I got over the time.

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BeatBeat Portable v0.1 (PSP Game)

Try to hit the corresponding button with the correct timing to increase your score.

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Mayhem In Monsterland (PSP Game)

Mayhem In Monsterland is a remake of a C64 jump and run game. It has been converted/redone for PSP by Jamie Fuller with improved graphics etc. It’s a highly recommended download.

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GameMusicGear v0.1.0 (PSP Application)

GameMusicGear is a music application that lets you play some of your favorite music formats like MP3, MIDI, MOD, PSF, SPC, GYM and few mores.

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