LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Open Fodder v1.3.1.05 (Pandora Game Port)

Open Fodder is an open source engine to play Cannon Fodder. Cannon Fodder is an action-strategy shoot ’em up game developed by Sensible Software and published by Virgin Interactive.

The game is military-themed and based on shooting action but with a strategy game-style control system. The player directs troops through numerous missions, battling enemy infantry, vehicles and installations.

Open Fodder has been ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.

Attention: You’ll need original data files to play the game!

To use the Dos Retail CD Version / GoG Version
Copy ‘CF_ENG.DAT’ from the CD to the Data/Dos_CD folder

For the Amiga Retail use the WHDLoad installer on an Amiga to extract the game files, and copy all the extracted files into the Data/Amiga folder and for the Amiga CD32 Retail copy the files from the ‘Fodder’ folder on the CD-Rom, to the Data/Amiga_CD folder. For the final video, Extract Track2 from the CD and name it ‘Track2.flv’, placed in the Amiga_CD folder.


* Updated sources
* Updated libs

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The Griffon Legend v1.0 (Nintendo 3DS Game Port)

The Griffon Legend is an action RPG with screen-to-screen map. It features original storyline and design made in 16-bit style RPG’s of SNES/GENESIS era.

Originally The Griffon Legend was written in FreeBASIC using SDL for graphics and FMOD for sound/music. That restricted the game to be released for Windows only. The Griffon Legend was rewritten in plain C using SDL and SDL_mixer to be ported to GCW-Zero, the source code is licensed under GPL2 license. The port to 3DS by nop90 is based on the GCW-Zero code.

Release notes:

– Fixed CIA version

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RetroArch v1.4.1 (Multiple Emus for Android)

RetroArch is a modular multi-system emulator system that is designed to be fast, lightweight, and portable. Starting with v1.3.6, RetroArch users can download compatible freeware content, such as the shareware release of Doom, right from the app.

List of included libretro cores:

NES: FCEU, Nestopia, QuickNES
SNES: PocketSNES, SNES9x-Next
GBC: Gambatte, TGB Dual
GBA: Meteor, VBA
Genesis / Sega CD: Genesis Plus
Saturn: Yabause (Very slow!)
Playstation: PCSX-ReARMed
Atari 2600: Stella
Chip8/16: Maxe
Arcade: iMAME4all, MAME078, Final Burn Alpha
Mednafen cores: PCE-Fast, WSwan, PSX
Natives: NXEngine (Cave Story), PrBoom (Doom)


To read what’s new, go to the built-in Help Screen on the app (Help -> What’s New?)

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fMSX v4.8 (MSX emu for Android)

fMSX is an MSX home computer emulator. It will run software written for MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ computers. Before running fMSX, make sure you place the following MSX system ROMs onto your SD card: MSX.ROM MSX2.ROM MSX2EXT.ROM DISK.ROM.


* Released free fMSX 4.8 for Windows and Linux.
* Added “Video | Scale Video | Stretch to 4:3 Ratio” option.
* Added “Video | Interpolation Effect | HQ4X” option.
* Added “Video | Interpolation Effect | Disable” option.
* Disabled GLES linear interpolation, unless “Default” selected.
* Made title bar transparent in Layout Editor, when “Hide Title Bar” enabled.
* Added effective waveform volume computation to the MIDI soundtrack recorder.
* Corrected MIDI drums volume in AY8910 PSG emulation.

This is a free, limited version of fMSX that may show ads and nag you to buy the full version. For the full, ad-free version, get fMSX Deluxe. Or, you can buy any one of the authors other emulators and the fMSX ads will stop.

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Farkle v2.0.23 (Android Game)

Farkle by SoBo Apps is a fun dice game that can be played by the entire family! Watch it, it’s addicting! Farkle is a dice game that has also been called or is similar to 1000/5000/10000, Cosmic Wimpout, Greed, Hot Dice, Squelch, Zilch, Zonk, or Darsh to name but a few. OhFark is played by two players (Not Online), with each player in succession having a turn at rolling the dice. Each player’s turn results in a score, and the scores for each player accumulate to some winning total (usually 10,000).


* Bug fix in six-of-a-kind (Thanks Ny!)

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Super Plumber Run v1.1.2 (Android Game)

Onduck Games Super Plumber Run got an update! Collect coins and avoid enemies and obstacles in this Super Mario Run style game.


* Some bug fixes
* UI improvements for portrait mode

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Maze Game: Cube v1.00 (Android Game)

Maze Game: Cube is an Android game by GeagleDev. It’s a 3D Maze game, where you need to look for the sister ball!


* UI bugs repaired
* Speed increased

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int n v1.1.3 (Android Game)

int n is a mathematical puzzle game by Wesley H. Fung. Divide and subtract, crack down tiles, clear the center and win!

Release notes:


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Flow Rush v1.02 (Android Game)

Flow Rush by blackhornet.workshop is a free unique logic puzzle game. Your task is to deliver all messages to the destination points. To solve the puzzle, you should rotate and connect hex tiles in such a way as to find the right path for a delivery of abstract messages. Use the doves to fast transferring over distances.


Available now the new pack “Mission”. Another 50 interesting levels-puzzles for you!

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Realms of Idle v0.2.3800 (Android Game)

Realms of Idle is a strategy game for Android by ilMare Games.

Release notes:

– Fixed crash in the ratings popup
– Minor bugfixes

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