LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Zelda Picross v1.0 (RC) (3DS Game Port)

Zelda Picross is a Zelda styled Picross game. nop90 ported this game over to the Nintendo 3DS.


– Minor fixes
– Added CIA Build

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In The Line Of Fire (Kickstarter) (Reminder) (DC Game)

In The Line Of Fire will be a brand new first person shooter for the Sega Dreamcast. Assume the role of a SWAT commander and take down the bad guys! The game is currently funding via Kickstarter. We have another 7 days to fund the game, but roughly 13.000 US$ out of 45.000 US$ are reached. If you are really interested in this game, please consider your support.

In the Line of Fire KS

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Nebs & Debs (01-01-2017) (WIP) (NES Game)

Chris Cacciatore is heavily working on his NES game Nebs & Debs and hopes to have it ready in late spring 2017. The game itself is a platform game.


* Floating dash counters.
* Debs can be hurt by enemies and when hurt is stunned briefly.
* Added game over state.
* Bug fixes.
* Crystal animations.

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Micro RTS (05-01-2017) (PICO-8 Game)

Micro RTS is a PICO-8 game by gfcarstensen. Battle your computer opponent to the death. Build and upgrade your defences, attack enemy towers and explore the procedurally generated world. Win by defeating all enemy towers. Your minions harvest wood. Use this to build new towers or upgrade existing ones. Select your tower once warriors are present and target an enemy tower to attack.


1. Changed computer/AI opponent to also use fog of war rules.
2. Adjusted AI logic to not build it’s own towers so close together
3. Adjusted AI to attack from multiple towers more often when it outnumbers you substantially. Less stalemate outcomes arise then.
4. Made it visible which towers had been selected when transferring warriors or attacking.

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Twin Dragons (05-01-2017) (WIP) (NES Game)

glutock has news on his platform game Twin Dragons for the NES.


– Item collect and enemy death animations, and a lot of bugs fixed !
– Next step : flying enemies !

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One Room Dungeon (05-01-2017) (PICO-8 Game)

One Room Dungeon is a PICO-8 Game by TRASEVOL_DOG. Explore a mysterious and exciting dungeon filled with exciting mysteries without ever leaving the same room! Why would you change rooms when clearly this one has all the danger and excitement and danger that one could possibly need?!

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Brickcatcher v0.1 (PICO-8 Game)

Brickcatcher is a PICO-8 game by PROGRAM_IX. Move the arrows to move your bucket. Catch the bricks before they fall offscreen!

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Dusk Child v1.2 (PICO-8 Game)

Dusk Child is a PICO-8 game by Sophie Houlden. You have been drawn to a mysterious place, what secrets does it hold, and what will they mean for you?

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Formula Racing (WIP) (GBC Game)

Refresh Games are working on a Game Boy Color game named Formula Racing. The last sign of development was about a half year ago.

Formula Racing - Australia 2 Circuit - Gameboy / Gameboy Colour Homebrew ROM

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Otter Browser v0.9.12.17 (Pandora Application Port)

Otter Browser aims to recreate the classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5. At then end you have a web browser controlled by the user and not vice-versa.


* Fixed a crash on certain media files

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