Wiz-GO v1.1.0 (Wiz Game Port)

Wiz-GO is a port of GNU-Go 3.6 with updated graphical user interface. GNU-Go is an ASCII command line GO game running on MacOS X, Windows and many Unix systems.

Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public license, read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.

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Stone Age (25-10-2009) (NDS Game)

maRk2512 updated his remake of the Amiga game Stone Age.


– ROM is compiled with the latest version of PAlib (090801, libnds 1.3.7). Hope this fix problems with some flashcards.
– Bugfix for map 61 (Thanx to ‘astroraptor’ – i think you really love this game… )
– Improved endsequence – enjoy!

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Hexxagon DS (WIP 1) (NDS Game)

Hexxagon DS is a remake of an old DOS board game played on a hexagonal board. Each turn a player can move one of his own pieces by duplicating it onto an adjacent tile or simply jumping one tile further. All enemy pieces next to the piece just moved will change color and turn into the player’s pieces. Once the board becomes full, the player with most pieces wins.

Click a piece to select it an show all possible moves for this piece. Click on a highlighted tile to move or re-click the piece to deselect. For green outlines to piece will duplicate, for yellow outlines it will jump.


– some new ingame graphics/animations
– started working on Menu system
– Multi-language support (currently English and German)


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Cyanogen-Updater v4.1 (Android Application)

Cyanogen-Updater is dedicated to produce an updater for Cyanogen’s Roms.


Fixed Bug when changing orientation while Barcodescanning
Fixed Bug with MD5SUM to Pad the String to 32chars
UpdateFolder can now be changed (i think its beta 😉 )

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GeoBeagle v0.9.14 (Android Application)

GeoBeagle is an Android application for geocaching and letterboxing.

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vCardIO v0.27 (Android Application)

Import/Export of Android contacts in vCard format!

The currently supported vCard version is 2.1 (for both import and export). Currently supported fields are phones, contact methods, organizations, notes and photos (birthdays are also partially supported by translating them to a note). vCardIO does not sync contact data, however it can remember previously exported or imported contacts and either completely replace them or ignore them on import.

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Swapper v0.1.3 (Android Application)

Simple application for “extending memory”. Helps when you need some memory for non active applications (like music player + browser + maps + etc…).


Swap partition support. Debug output.

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Android Delicious Bookmarks v1.2.8 (Android Application)

This application allows you to save bookmarks to Delicious social bookmarking service from the Android web browser.

The current implementation simply adds the option to Save to delicious when Share page is selected from the browser menu. You can also view your bookmarks in the browser by clicking on the Delicious Bookmarks icon in the application list.

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SMSPopup v1.0.0 (RC4) (Android Application)

An Android application that intercepts incoming text messages and displays them in a popup window (activity). The popup window shows the contact the message came from and their contact photo (if there is one) as well as the content of the message. Directly from the popup the user is given the option to Close the popup (marking the message read) or Reply to the message (using a system intent).

The more recent versions of SMS Popup also have a full notifications system built in – this allows a user to disable the built in messaging app notifications and use those from SMS Popup. The notifications system has additional options such as custom vibrate pattern, custom LED color and the ability to remind the user of a missed message in case they missed the notification the first time it played.

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Anstop v1.1 (Beta 1) (Android Application)

A simple stopping watch for Android.

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