PSPLBreakout2 (PSP Game)

PSPLBreakout2 is a polished Breakout/Arkanoid style game for PSP.

Thanks to for the news.

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Fuse PSP v0.10.0.2 (Spectrum emu for PSP)

Akop Karapetyan updated his Spectrum emulator Fuse PSP.


– Added on-screen indicators for floppy and tape drives – enable in the Options tab
– Fuse updated to; libspectrum updated to
– Source: ‘aux’ directory has been renamed, and source code can now be checked out under Windows
– Bugfix: held keys will be automatically released when the virtual keyboard is displayed
– Bugfix: Older (pre-0.10) will now load
– Bugfix: Multiple simultaneous L+[button] and R+[button] combination presses will now register correctly

Thanks to for the news.

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SendReceiveAll v0.1 (PPC Application)

Synchronize all email accounts in one click!

Release notes:

Hey Fellows,

SendReceiveAll is just a small program that i created for my own use. In default Windows Mobile client, if you have multiple email accounts and they are set to manual download, like it is with me, While checking mail you need to go to each account and click send and receive. This is a bit tedious.

SO this program, which is a small, no-gui, .net cf app does so. It calls send and receive for all outlook email accounts. This way you can tap it once and then wait for your emails to finish loading at their own pace.

Its a very simple start and i haven’t done anything profound with it. Its just an idea that clicked me.

Suggestions and Ideas are welcome from all of you


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Toggle3G (06-04-2009) (PPC Application)

Toggle3G toggles between 3G and GPRS. The main usage would be in scripts or through a shortcut as it has no GUI and toggles it quite fast.

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myPlayer v0.2a (PPC Application)

A stand-alone, light-weight application that accesses the BBC iPlayer Mobile content. Specifically designed for QVGA devices running Windows Mobile 6.0 or higher.

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ReRemind v4 (PPC Application)

ReRemind is a simple Windows Mobile service that will play a sound at a specified interval when an event is waiting your attention. This is particularly useful for devices that lack standard amber/green notification LEDs (like the Diamond / Touch Pro), but can be used with any WM device if you want audible notifications.


V4 – BETA – Fixed SMS/Email notification bugs. Deletes stale notification queue entries on startup/exit for if device crashes. Added 10 second delay to start service on boot.

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SNES9x GX v4.0.0 (SNES emu for GC)

Michniewski and Tantric updated their SNES9x port to Wii and Gamecube once again.


New GX-based menu, with a completely redesigned layout. Has Wiimote IR support, sounds, graphics, animation effects, and more
Thanks to the3seashells for designing some top-notch artwork, to Peter de Man for composing the music, and a special thanks to shagkur for fixing libogc bugs that would have otherwise prevented the release
Onscreen keyboard for changing save/load folders and network settings
Menu configuration options (configurable exit button, wiimote orientation, volumes)
Configurable button mapping for superscope, mouse and justifier
New save manager, allowing multiple saves and save browsing. Shows screenshots for Snapshot saves, and save dates/times
Experimental hq2x filter, contributed by michniewski

Thanks to for the news.

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SNES9x GX v4.0.0 (SNES emu for Wii)

Michniewski and Tantric updated their SNES9x port to Wii and Gamecube once again.


New GX-based menu, with a completely redesigned layout. Has Wiimote IR support, sounds, graphics, animation effects, and more
Thanks to the3seashells for designing some top-notch artwork, to Peter de Man for composing the music, and a special thanks to shagkur for fixing libogc bugs that would have otherwise prevented the release
Onscreen keyboard for changing save/load folders and network settings
Menu configuration options (configurable exit button, wiimote orientation, volumes)
Configurable button mapping for superscope, mouse and justifier
New save manager, allowing multiple saves and save browsing. Shows screenshots for Snapshot saves, and save dates/times
Experimental hq2x filter, contributed by michniewski

Thanks to for the news.

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Warhawk WIP (06-04-2009) (NDS Game)

Flash and HeadKaze are currently working on a remake/revisioning of the C64 game “Warhawk”.

Progress notes:

Added some sprite scaling and rotation code for the titlescreen. Also finished the hiscore entry screen which saves hiscores to the ROM. And just did the end of level screen.

Includes Flash’s starfiled routine and he’s also working on some fireworks for the hiscore entry which should look really nice when it’s added.

Flash has also started work on Level 2 attack waves using my new W.A.N.K app. Yes it’s not just an amusing acronym but a fully fledged attack wave editor designed just for Warhawk DS!

There is no updated binary yet!

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Smart Vibrator v2.0.0 (Android Application)

Smart Vibrator allows you to compose vibration patterns for different incoming numbers. This tool help you would not miss the important messages and call.

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