Nanodesktop v0.3.7 (PSP misc)

Nanodesktop is a library for the development of simple applications under embedded platforms, as the Sony Playstation Portable (TM).

The Nanodesktop library is totally written in C for maximum performance. If you have a platform where you cannot run traditional windows environments, as X-Window (TM), you can try Nanodesktop library.


a) Support for Python language
b) Support for PSP serial port
c) A faster Phoenix graphical system

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Paintball 2D v1.5 (PSP Game)

Paintball shooting action! 🙂

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Smash My PSP v1.0 (PSP misc)

Smash My PSP! is a program in which you use different weapons and tools to destroy and “decorate” your PSP’s main menu.

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Asterz v1.2 (PSP Game)

Asterz is a shoot-em-up space game partly inspired by the classic hit game “Asteroids”, originally released in 1979 by Atari.

As you begin to start playing Asterz you’ll find that this game primarily involves:

#1 – Dodge the incoming asteroids and enemy ships.
#2 – Destroy the incoming asteroids and enemy ships.
#3 – Pick up the dropped powerups to increase your ammo or give your ship an extra boost.
and #4 – Don’t die!


– Spring Neoflash Competition Version
– New fast shooter powerup added
– New asteroid that breaks into pieces
– Message background looks more pleasant
– Arcade mode is no longer an unlockable
– Complete controls overhaul
– Lives added instead of just health
– Various subtle changes,5549.0.html

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ASH Extractor v0.1 (Wii Application)

Can extract ASH0 files, which are mostly used by Nintendo.

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WAD Batch Installer v0.1 (Wii Application)

WAD Batch Installer for Wii.

Original Source:
Spotted by PDR at:

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SnailRace (19-03-2009) (NDS Game)

SnailRace by Samel is a slug racing game combined with a card game.

This update fixes minor bugs and improves AI.,5506.0.html

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Balloon Pop (19-03-2009) (NDS Game)

A Balloon based tower of defense game for the DS. In this game, you must prevent the different types of balloons from reaching the end of the road. Place your units on the sides of roads to defend. Angling is key! Game controls and more info inside the game itself.,5548.0.html

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HWOS2 (19-03-2009) (NDS OS misc)

HWOS(2) is a simple operating system for flash carts of the kind. It only boots homebrew unfortunatly. HWOS has a few appliactions included with it like RSS reader and online wikipedia reader. More applications are to come at later dates.

HWOS is pronounced ‘h-wos’. Sort of like the way stewie puts emphesis on the h in cool whip. HWOS stands for Hello World Operating System.

Major Features:
Quick Boot – boot the last game you played.
Homebrew Browser – Browse your homebrew files from your “Homebrew” folder
Fav’s – Play your favorite homebrew that you choose in the homebrew browser
Mediaplayer – Starts the “mediaplayer.nds” found in the apps folder. Simply put your favorite media player in the apps folder and call it “mediaplayer.nds”
Slot-2 – Start Slot-2. For GBA games and the like.
RSS – Read RSS feeds online, save articles, favorite them.
Wiki – Online Wikipedia reader. Save articles, search articles, read’em, favorite them.
Downloader – Download homebrew directly to your DS! They will be placed in the “Homebrew” folder
Update – Update the OS to a more recent version if avaliable.

Minor Features:
Wifi Signal Status when using wifi
Battery Status
Time and Date
Custom MP3 for background menu music – called music.mp3 in the settings folder. Must be 64kbit sample rate. must be called “music.mp3”
Custom background – Use a gif of your choice located in the settings folder. must be called “wallpaper.gif”
Light adjustment – works on any DS

Step1: Back-Up your micro-sd card!
Step2: Make a new folder on the root of the card called “Homebrew”
Step3: Put homebrew into the “Homebrew” folder.
Step4: Do the the following for what is suited to you to use with the below instructions.

Installation for Regular Users
Take the HWOS folder and put it on the root of your cart. Thats it. Make sure everything copies over though. Then navigate to it and boot “HW_OS2.nds” from inside the folder. If for some reason the updater fails or it no longer works, just use “RecoveryMode.nds” to update it again.

Installation for R4 Users
Do the same thing as you would for regular users, but this time copy the “bootme.nds” and “bootme.txt” to the root of the card and boot that.

Installation for R4 Users with autoboot OS feature
Do the same as you would for R4 users, but this time take the “_DS_MENU.DAT” and copy it to the root of the card. This will over ride your old one so make a back up.,5545.0.html

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PRXutility Plus Plus v7.0 (PSP Application)

PRXutility++ allows you to gain several information about your battery, such as time left, charge level, temperature and voltage. It also shows you which motherboard your PSP has and gives information about CPU and BUS speed.

PRXutility++ also allows you to shutdown, reboot or let your PSP sleep.,5546.0.html

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