Microlog v1.1.0 (Snapshot) (04-12-2008) (J2ME misc)

Microlog is a small logging library for Java ME (J2ME) like Log4j. It has support for logging to console, file, RecordStore, Canvas, Form, Bluetooth, a serial port (Bluetooth, IR, USB), Socket(incl SSL), UDP, Syslog, MMS, SMS, e-mail or to Amazon S3.

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Mobile by Citysearch v1.0 (iPhone Application)

Lets you search destinations like food, bars, and hotels in the city.

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Chicken Panic v1.00 (iPhone Game)

Play and do not let the colour chickens reach the bottom of the screen.

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FontShuffle v1.0 (iPhone Application)

Lets you to get the typographic inspiration application to your iphone.

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Circus Galacticus (04-12-2008) (A2600 Game)

The setting is a futuristic gladiator tournament, where combatants duel each other to the death for the pleasure of the galactic empire. The game will comprise the player’s fighting career, with the difficulty and rewards ramping up with each match.

Release notes from jrok:

Here’s my latest build:

Finally got scanline under control with a small kernel edit and some optimization of the player control scheme. The game runs at a smooth 262 except for overflows during the death animations, which I’ll have to investigate further.
Replaced left and right walls with a PF0=128 vertical frame in the vblank
Set a limits on laser beams to stop their progress at the left and right walls (still working on stopping vertical and diagonal beams)
Created a color phase animation for the combatants while waiting for a new match to begin.
Increased hittable area of both combatants
Revised AI routine
Expanded number and style of playfields
Expanded number of unique enemies

For me, the most exciting part was being able to finally get my core game routines to run at a reliable 262, since I was at the verge of giving up. I have lots of ideas where I want to take the game next, so its a big relief to know that, at the very least, I might still have a program that’s functional.

Now that I can have scores of unique “looking” enemies, I really want to work on getting unique “acting” ones. I’ve left placeholders in my enemy data set that I will try to use as pointers for different weapons, and maybe even alternate AI routines. I have plenty of ROM left in my AI bank, so I just have to figure out what I want them to do differently that varies the challenge as you proceed through the game.

I also would like to add in a few new player control options, which will be pretty easy since I’m already tracking the time that the player is holding down the fire button. But I could use some advice:

Quick button “taps”:
Which do you think would be more interesting and/or useful: a quick dodge manuever or a melee attack?

Overcharging the gun:
Should this produce a negative effect for the player, like the weapon becoming unavailable for a short period of time? Or should it be some sort of super-attack or manuever that can be stocked up like smartbombs?

Also, I’ve realized if I keep this a 32K game, I still have 2 completely empty banks to create completely alternate gameloops, to keep the player guessing about what’s coming in the next level. For instance, instead of facing a lone gladiator with a laser beam, I want to create the following alternate round-styles:

Fend off groups of alien wildlife that emerge from a pit.
Battle a snakelike creature that moves like a Tron light cycle.
Battle a killer robot that can teleport around the screen.

It’s probably biting off more than I or bB can chew, but if I can squeeze even one alternate play-style in there I think I’ll be happy with this project.


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SpongeBob SquarePants – Jellyfishing (06-12-2008) (A2600 Game)

atari2600land is continously improving his Jellyfishing game featuring SpongeBob SquarePants.

Release notes:

Multi=point idea added due to popular demand. What else should I add?

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Paradroid Wii v0.4 (Wii Game Port)

A version of SDL Paradroid compiled for the Wii to fill the void in the U.S., where the virtual console lacks C64 games. This version is created from the GPL’ed source code from SDL Paradroid and uses the same data files.

Video in action:

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Spritemanager v1.0 (Wii misc)

Spritemanager is a class designed to be an easy to use manager for libwiisprite that allow to directly create and handle sprites with images, images sequence or text inside. This code is usefull to avoid memory problem since the object SpriteManager handle correctly himself memory used (free memory just deleting the object SpriteManager or removing a sprite).

This library is developped in C++ by Unititled with help of TextRender written by DragonMinded (modified) and Imageloader by Ulti (highly modified).

The use of SpriteManager is highly detailed in the SpriteManager.h and an simple example project is given in the pack.

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LPairs v1.0 (Wii Game Port)

LPairs is a classical memory game. This means you have to find pairs of identical cards which will then be removed. Your time and tries needed will be counted but there is no highscore chart or limit to this.

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Homebrew Disc Loader v0.3 (Wii Application)

Using the Homebrew Disc Loader, you can load homebrew programs from regular ISO9660 DVDs. It supports (sub)directories.


Added support for meta.xml (name and long_description)
Added support for DISCINFO-file (see above)
Added eject- and retry-functions
Fixed issue with scrolling through a long list
Fixed issue where program crashed randomly due to a bug in memory allocation
Changed name to Homebrew Disc Loader

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