neXt v0.5.4 (Beta) (PPC Application)

neXt shows time remaining to a next appointment.


– internet updates added
– some little improvements

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BT Spammer v1.0 (Beta) (PPC Application)

BT Spammer is a tool for one time or periodical “spamming” all nearby Bluetooth devices (in visible mode). BT Spammer allows users to set up and define own Message (plain text), Business card (vcard), and Picture (jpg).

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RemoteTracker v0.10h (PPC Application)

RemoteTracker is an antitheft software which you can use to track your device when it was lost or stolen. It works catching a formated SMS sent from any phone and then send useful informations back.


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2xZDoom v2.2.0 (GP2x Game Port)

Adventus ported ZDoom to GP2x, ZDoom is an enhanced port of the official DOOM source code.

Release notes:

– Due to its dependency on FMOD it doesn’t support sound at the moment.
– The performance is also not as good as the other Ports, for this reason i disabled transparencies…. which lead to some strange graphical glitches (a few flickering walls, nasty menu text, etc). However it is very playable in its current state. I will look to improve this.
– So far I’ve tested the Strife, Doom 1, Hexen & Heretic demos. Its up to you guys to test the rest. I suspect some of the more complicated mods might not be playable.
– Don’t forget to read 2xZdoom220.txt and go to the “customize controls” menu to set the controls for each game.
– Apart from fixing any bugs, i intend on improving the performance and supporting sound via Timidity and Mikimod.

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SmallBall in Changeland v1.1 (GP2x Game)

One day when Smallball woke up he discovered that Nasties had stolen all of his friends happyspirits! Without the HPs all of Smallballs friends was as braindead as zombies! Gather all of the HPs before the Nasties gets you too! But beware, you are in changeland where natural laws change constantly!


– A new scoring system, which makes the game more challenging. You now gain more score when picking up points quicker. The old, points-based system is still there as well.
– Increased speed. The game now runs a lot quicker, which was needed in the GP2X-port which slowed down a lot later on in games.
– A few bug fixes.

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Picodrive v1.51 (Megadrive emu for GP2x)

Picodrive by Notaz is a Genesis/MegaDrive and SegaCD emulator for GP2x.


– Improved bin_to_cso_mp3 tool, it should no longer complain about missing lame.exe even if it’s in working dir.
– Fixed a regression from 1.50, which caused slowdowns in Final Fight.
– Fixed some regressions from 1.50 related to sprite limit and palette handling (caused graphical glitches in some games).
– Added ABC turbo actions to key config.
– Some other minor adjustments.,0,0,0,71,2040

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Basilisk II (Test 19) (MacOS emu for PSP)

Basilisk II is an Open Source 68k Macintosh emulator.

Release notes from J.F.:

Here’s test 19. Updated the input mapping. Rules are as follows:

1 – You can have a maximum of 64 map entries.

2 – Map entries have two hexadecimal numbers followed by four decimal numbers.

3 – The first number is which PSP buttons must be pressed to match this map entry. The second number is which PSP buttons must NOT be pressed to match this map entry. Any combination is allowed. If you don’t specify all the buttons between the two fields, you can match to more than one entry (which is something you may want to do).

4 – The third through sixth numbers are Mac input values. They may be key codes, mouse buttons, or mouse movements. The following rules apply to Mac input values:

Anything less than 255 is a Mac key code. For the caps lock to work properly, it must be the first and only Mac input value for the map entry.

A value exactly equal to 255 is a null code – it does nothing. Be sure to fill unused values with 255!

A value between 256 and 511 is a mouse button, where the button number is the value – 256. So 256 is mouse button 0, 257 is mouse button 1, etc. Note that the 68K Mac never really used anything other than mouse button 0.

A value between 512 and 768 is a mouse movement. The movement is a value from -8 to +7 added to 8, with the horizontal movement being multiplied by 16. Negative values move up or left; positive values move down or right. So if you wished to move the mouse up at a speed of 2 and right at a speed of 5, the movement value would be 512 + (5+8)*16 + (-2+8), or 726. It might be easier to visualize it in hexadecimal, even if the value must be in the map as decimal. In hex, the mouse movement is 0x2XY, where X is the horizontal movement, and Y the vertical.

Notice that the mouse movement is new – I added that so that the d-pad could be used as a mouse if the analog stick weren’t working. I’ve included a new input map that makes the d-pad the mouse.

Note that the default mapping has changed! LTRIGGER is now the OPT key, and RTRIGGER the Control key. The CROSS is now the mouse button, while Enter was moved to SQUARE. The rest are the same as before: the d-pad is the Cursor keys, CIRCLE is CMD+w, and TRIANGLE is CMD+q.

This matches the d-pad mouse pretty well, where the d-pad becomes the mouse movement, and LTRIGGER changes from OPT to FAST mouse movement. So if you just press the d-pad, the mouse moves slowly, and if you hold LTRIGGER and press the d-pad, the mouse moves quickly.

Note that making RTRIGGER Control by itself was necessary to get contextual menus working right. Hold RTRIGGER, then press X over top something to get its contextual menu.

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Plasma Pong v1.0 (PSP Game)

Dark_sabre released “Plasma Pong”.

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Hold Plus v2.61 (PSP Application)

News from Torch:

What does Hold+ do when the switch is enabled?

* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 61MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitrary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 61MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows operation of the PSP with the display turned off, to change volume, skip songs etc.

Release notes:

Fixed a bug that was introduced in v2.6 that caused the control input buffer to completely fill up, hence causing the Analog Up features not to work in Hold mode, when the plugin was used for an extended period of time.

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RemoteTracker v0.10g (PPC Application)

RemoteTracker is an antitheft software which you can use to track your device when it was lost or stolen. It works catching a formated SMS sent from any phone and then send useful informations back.


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