uMSX v0.2 (MSX emu for PSP)

uMSX is a port of fMSX to PSP, by Uguru.

Indirectly thanks to for the news.

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uMSX v0.2 (MSX emu for DC)

Uguru has also released a port of fMSX to the Dreamcast, two days ago. uMSX is already in an pretty advanced stage and is worth a try out.

Thanks to and for the news.

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fMSX (Alpha) (MSX emu for DC)

ron has released an first alpha of his fMSX port for Dreamcast.

Thanks to and for the news.

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textReader v1.1 (Beta 2) (iPhone Application)

This application allows you to read large Text (.txt,.text), Palm Doc (.pdb), Mobipocket (.pdb,.prc,.mobi), Plucker (.pdb), HTML (.htm,.html), and Fiction Book (.fb2) files quickly and efficiently on the iPhone/Touch. This application doesn’t have the fancy formatting of ruBooks or, but it can quickly load and display large text files that currently cause or other UI Text View/Web View based apps problems. If you want to load books quickly and read text, this may be the app for you.


* Add option to wrap searches
* Add option to have search match words (i.e. ‘he’ will not match ‘the’). Words are assumed to be delimited by blanks, CR/LF, or punctuation characters.
* Add option to reverse the file scroll direction (i.e. swipe left to right for next, or right to left for next)
* Percentage is updated when scrolling while the “title/info/navigation bar” is displayed Cached ZIP and CHM files are displayed where they should be instead of being grouped with directories Ideographic blanks are used when indenting paragraphs.
* File Scroll can be used even if Smooth scroll is not selected

Note: and ruBooks provide a formatted display of text and images. If you are willing to break up your book into smaller chapters they may also be options.

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DragonMedia Player v0.03 (Alpha) (Wii Application)

DragonMedia Player is a native Wii application with the intent of being a multi-source media player on the Wii.

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Yabause Wii (01-07-2008) (Saturn emu for Wii)

Yabause Wii is a Sega Saturn emulator for Wii and is the first of its kind as emulating the complex processes of the Sega Saturn is much harder then it looks and now even harder to run it on the limited hardware of the Wii.

Yabause Wii can now run a small number of commercial games at usable speeds (5-10fps) were it is still possible to play the game.

Release notes:

01 July 08: Yabause Wii Ac_K Modification, a little optimisation of Yabause by Ac_K. Download here:

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STPPC2x (Beta 5) (Repack) (GP2x Game)

Ledow obviously had a minor problem when packing up the latest release of STPPC2x, which is a GP2X port of Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection and contains a set of 27 addictive logic and puzzle games.

You can get a fixed archive from his homepage.


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Saturn Lua Player (Saturn Application)

Lua is a powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language. The Saturn Lua Player is a powerful runtime environment for homebrew Saturn games written in Lua. It provides access to hundreds of functions of popular Saturn programming libraries.

It’s simple, it’s fast, it’s powerful and it makes fun! Making Saturn games is now as easy as opening up a text editor and writing:
slPrint(“Hello World”, 5, 5) while true do slSynch() end

The Saturn Lua Player has proved it’s usefulness by running Police Officer Smith and various complex 3d demos. It successfully handles multiple 2D scrolls, rotational scrolls, complex 3D scenery, realtime gouraud shading, textures, save files, CD reading, PCM playback and a lot more!

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Ura Kaiten Patissier v1.02 (GP2x Game)

Ura Kaiten Patissier is the runner up game of “Kaiten Patissier”, with more possibilites and features. It’s also a touch more difficult thant he original series.

Kaiten Patissier is a “collect ’em all” game, but with the twist of having a rotating playingfield. After collecting all but the last item in each level, a bonus item will appear somewhere in the level, so be sure to keep an eye out for the bonus items if you want to get 100% completion.

Update 23:23: According to MK2k, the guy who ported this piece of work over to the PSP, the only change is the addition of a new splash screen “Action Love”.

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Kaiten Patissier v1.02 (GP2x Game)

D.K. has updated his game Kaiten Patissier.

Kaiten Patissier is a “collect ’em all” game, but with the twist of having a rotating playingfield. After collecting all but the last item in each level, a bonus item will appear somewhere in the level, so be sure to keep an eye out for the bonus items if you want to get 100% completion.

Due to lack of japanese knowledge, we can not inform about potential changes.

Update 23:23: According to MK2k, the guy who ported this piece of work over to the PSP, the only change is the addition of a new splash screen “Action Love”.

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