Retrogaming Times Monthly #98 (misc)

Retrogaming Times Monthly #98 is available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on the homebrew scene.

Content of this issue:

* Press Fire To Begin
* Retrogaming News

* Atari 5200 Zone – Atari’s 40th Anniversary
* Lunch With… Roger Merritt

* MAME Reviews – Hard Hat
* Commodore Du Jour – Rootin’ Tootin’
* NES’cade – Elevator Action
* Dual Perspective – Dragon Warror (NES)
* The Pixelated Mage – Wings Of Wor

* Game Over

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Dwarf Connect 4 v1.0 (DC Game Port)

Dwarf Connect 4 is a Connect 4 game ported to Dreamcast featuring three levels of difficulty.

Dreamcast SD Compatible: Dwarf Connect 4

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The Amazing Adventures Of Echo v1.1a (New GFX) (Wiz Game)

In The Amazing Adventures Of Echo by Drumpi you must fight, jump, find… and shot.

Echo is a little boy who loves action films, and he likes to go out dressing like a super-hero, always followed by his dog. But this time, Echo sees his dreams come true: He got his own action adventure series. So he must face the dangers of a haunted castle, with tons of enemies, ghosts and dragons, and repel the future alien invasion in a post-apocalyptic city, where humans fight with his machines.

This new release features pimped graphics by FBustamante.,0,0,0,35,593

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Ice Slider v1.1 (NDS Game)

EgoTrip updated his Nintendo DS homebrew game Ice Slider. Ice Slider is a puzzle game, with the objective of collecting 10 coins on each level. However, there is a catch, once you start moving, you cannot stop until you hit an obstacle. Obstacles include brick walls which cannot be passed, ice walls that break when bumped into, and directional walls which you can only move through in the indicated direction. There are 80 levels in total, which should keep you busy for a while.

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DOSBox Wii v1.7 (DOS emu for Wii)

DOSBox Wii is a port of DOSBox to the Wii using SDL Wii. It also features a Home menu powered by libwiigui.


* Support for newer Wiimotes
* Updated to latest DOSBox SVN
* Updated to latest libogc and devkitPPC

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FBZX Wii v4 (ZX Spectrum emu for Wii)

FBZX is a ZX Spectrum emulator for FrameBuffer written by Sergio Costasand ported as FBZX Wii to Wii by Oibaf.

Main features:

* Emulates accurately the Original 48Kspectrum (both issue 2 and issue 3), the classic 128K, the Amstrad Plus 2, the Amstrad Plus 2A and the Spanish 128K. This includes screen, keyboard and sound (both speaker and AY-3-8912 chip).
* Screen emulation is extremely accurate, so it can emulate border effects and even attribute effects.
* Supports Z80 snapshots, both loading and saving, and loading .SNA snapshots.
* Supports TAP (both read and write) and TZX (only read) tape files, supporting normal speed loading and fast speed loading.
* Emulates up to 2 joysticks of types: kempston, cursor and sinclair1 and sinclair2.
* All the wiimote, nunchuck and classic controller buttons and joypads are fully configurable.
* Virtual keyboard support.
* Emulates the Interface I and Microdrive.
* Emulates the ULAPlus
* Based in a new, fully free, Z80 emulator (Z80Free).


* In Joypad mode, the nunchuck works now
* New code for Y-3-8912 emulation
* Fixed RETN and RETI Z80 instructions
* Fixed Flag emulation for many Z80 opcodes: Speedlock loader works now. Only the Flag in Bit n, (HL) is not correctly emulated.

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Harmony’s Nightmare v1.1 (Wii Game)

Harmony’s Nightmare by Mr. Reaper is a multi-Genre platform, reflex, puzzle survival game with horror theme.

Harmony's Nightmare v1.0


1.1 = Lots of behind-the-scenes code optimizations and small visual/animation tweaks/adjustments. Also, I thought level 3 was too easy compared to the other levels, so I MADE IT HARDER, Mwhahahaha! But the note placement on that level is better now, so maybe I need to make it harder still >:) I also tried to work around some random sound issues (it seems that gcmodplay and/or aesndlib have some problems…). Maybe at some point I’ll try converting everything to use asndlib and see if it fixes the random sound glitches completely.'s_Nightmare

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Wii Independent Rendering Engine 3D (Wire3D) v1.0.2 (Wii misc)

Wire3D (Wii Independent Rendering Engine 3D) is an open source, object oriented, multiplatform 3D engine written in C++, supporting homebrew Wii and Windows (DirectX). It provides a framework to developers for writing platform agnostic 3D applications (including physics using the Bullet Physics library) that run on Wii and Windows out of the box.

Wire3D: Demo


* draw call batching of static and dynamic geometry
* text rendering
* skybox node
* VertexBuffer uses 32bit color (instead of 4 floats) now, so no more conversion at Bind() time. Note: Although interface changed, there are no changes for the user due to implicit conversion operators to/from ColorRGB(A).
* IndexBuffer only uses 16bit indices, as Wii does not support 32bit indices anyways. Note: Interface only changed on IndexBuffer::GetData(), if you are accessing index buffers via operator there are no changes necessary.
* (PC) fixed renderer statistics bug when ResetDevice()/DestroyAll() was issued.
* (PC) fixed NVIDIA PerfHUD getting stalled when pressing a key.
* (Wii) fixed anisotropic texture filtering

* tleaking vertex data fixed
* support for “Static” flagged transformations
* fixed missing Spotlight parameters

* freetype2 font engine added

* updated Sample3, Sample10 and Demo to showcase new features

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PocketNES (13-06-2012) (NES emu for GBA)

Dwedit has updated PocketNES, a NES emulator for Gameboy Advance, once again. This seems to turn out into a long time project and gets better every release.


* Seamless sound, no more crackling on square wave channels.
* Correct frequency sweeps and triangle wave volume.
* Completely automatic speed hacks that just work, so there’s no menu for them anymore.
* FAST. Turn off VSYNC and watch the games zoom.
* Many parts are more accurate than before.
* Working save states
* Fixed many bugs
* DMC IRQs! Play Fire Hawk and MIG 29 Soviet Fighter!
* Dendy mode


* Mapper #9, #17, #33, #40, #64, 73, #105

Thanks to and for the news.

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Ice Slider v0.3 (NDS Game)

EgoTrip updated his Nintendo DS homebrew game Ice Slider. Puzzle fun in 20 levels, more to come…

Ice Slider WIP

Thanks to for the news.

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