Triple Triad v1.0 (Beta2) (NDS Game)

Minoru has updated Triple Triad for Nintendo DS, it is a card game known from Final Fantasy VIII.


– Fixed several bugs
– Added support English
– Added music

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PDRoms Code Progress (misc)

Dear visitors,

We have finaly updated the backend of PDRoms on our beta-test-servers with the help of our coder “celeth”. In the next few weeks we will do some heavy testing and if everything goes straight you will be able to register, leave feedback, write reviews, rate homebrews, write your own news submissions, etc etc etc…

More information soon…

Kojote & Team

PS: The news service suffered a bit from working on other parts of the page, sorry 😀

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OpenBOR v2.2017 (GP2x misc)

OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage.

Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and moddable game engine made by Senile Team ( ) and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “moddable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own beat-’em-up game, which is then called a “mod”.

Beats of Rage was first made available for download November 2003. It was not advertised in any way other than by word of mouth, yet it soon gained enormous popularity. OpenBOR is now managed by the guys at Lava Lit.

Thanks to for the news.

Download: //files/1868/

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OpenBOR v2.2017 (PSP misc)

OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage.

Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and moddable game engine made by Senile Team ( ) and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “moddable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own beat-’em-up game, which is then called a “mod”.

Beats of Rage was first made available for download November 2003. It was not advertised in any way other than by word of mouth, yet it soon gained enormous popularity. OpenBOR is now managed by the guys at Lava Lit.

Thanks to for the news.

Download: //files/1869/

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OpenBOR v2.2017 (DC misc)

OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage.

Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and moddable game engine made by Senile Team ( ) and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “moddable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own beat-’em-up game, which is then called a “mod”.

Beats of Rage was first made available for download November 2003. It was not advertised in any way other than by word of mouth, yet it soon gained enormous popularity. OpenBOR is now managed by the guys at Lava Lit.

Thanks to for the news.

Download: //files/1870/

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MPlayerWii v0.06 (Wii Application)

MPlayerWii is an audio/video player. It is a native port of the MPlayer media player. It will play almost any kind of audio file but still needs improvement on video playback.


– huge speedup on USB devices (thanks to rodries and Hermes)
– added classic controller support to position and scale the video display

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Energy Ball v0.0.1 (PS3 BD-J Game)

Buunyan released a new PS3 BD-J Game.

Thanks to snesy for the Japanese translation.

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Pymuz v0.5 (Symbian OS Application)

PyS60 (Nokia Series 60) music player for old module formats such as mod, xm, s3m, it and sid.

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uTrack v1.1.2 (PPC Application)

uTrack can be used to track mobile devices in a passive, non-intruisive way.

It can be configured to publish the location of a Windows Mobile powered device to any website or webservice. The only requirement is that HTTP GET request can be used.

The different items of information that can be published are:
– Longitude / Latitude
– DeviceID
– Date and time

When run, the application only shows a notifyicon and stays dormant until another application uses the GPS Intermediate driver. – When the GPS device gets a fix on the position, uTrack will publish this information to the URL specified in the configuration window.

uTrack features:
– A lightweight Windows Mobile client whose sole purpose is to monitor and publish GPS coordinates.
– Four different parameters can be used in the GET request: Longitude, Latitude, Date/Time and the deviceID.
– The request can be tested using a easy to use option which opens the configured URL in the default browser.
– A non-intrusive notify-icon to indicate GPS monitoring is active.
– Both support for Windows Mobile 5 and Windows Mobile 6 powered devices.
– Auto start monitoring on device reset.
– GPS Intermediate Driver support.
– Google Gears GeoLocation support.


– Fixed bug regarding ID replacement in URL.
– Added a new Map tabpage that shows the location.
– Redesigned the internal threading mechanism.
– Optimised showing of the settings Form.
– Fixed bug that disallowed application termination.

uTrack version can be downloaded free for any personal use. When uTrack is used in a commercial application, please donate.


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Easy Expenses v0.93.0 (PPC Application)

Easy Expenses is mainly focussed on logging expenses. It is meant to be simple and easy to use. Easy Expenses is not designed as a complete finance management program and never will be. If you want to use Easy Expenses for this purpose, you have to export the data and process it in a program like Microsoft Excel.


Easy entry of higher amounts (up to 999999.99)
Ability to sort entries by date, name and amount
Set column order
Column widths are saved
Purge entries before a given date


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