ZXing v0.9 (Android misc)

ZXing (pronounced “zebra crossing”) is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode reader library implemented in Java. Goal is to support decoding of QR Codes, Data Matrix, and the UPC family of 1D barcodes.

This library is divided into several components of interest:

core: core decoding library, and the main component of the entire project
javame: JavaME client
javase: J2SE-specific client code
android: Android client (M5 SDK)
rim: RIM/Blackberry-specific client build
iphone: iPhone client + port to Objective C / C++ (QR code only)
zxingorg: The source behind
bug: Client for BugLabs’s BUG

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ZXing v0.9 (J2ME misc)

ZXing (pronounced “zebra crossing”) is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode reader library implemented in Java. Goal is to support decoding of QR Codes, Data Matrix, and the UPC family of 1D barcodes.

This library is divided into several components of interest:

core: core decoding library, and the main component of the entire project
javame: JavaME client
javase: J2SE-specific client code
android: Android client (M5 SDK)
rim: RIM/Blackberry-specific client build
iphone: iPhone client + port to Objective C / C++ (QR code only)
zxingorg: The source behind
bug: Client for BugLabs’s BUG

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Beat Swatch Clock (11-07-2008) (J2ME misc)

Simple implementation of the “Beat Swatch Clock” for a J2ME compliant mobile phone.

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GCalSync v1.3.0 (r2) (J2ME Application)

Carry your Google Calendar in your pocket! GCalSync is an open-source J2ME application that lets you do a two-way synchronization between Google Calendar and your phone’s built-in calendar. Download events to your phone, or add an event on your phone and upload it to Google Calendar.

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jibjib v1.0.17 (J2ME Application)

jibjib is a small, fast and easy J2ME Twitter client for any Java-enabled mobile phone with CLDC 1.0/MIDP 1.0 for version prior to 1.0.11 and CLDC 1.1/MIDP 2.0 for version 1.0.11 and later. jibjib is minimalistic and it is designed for road warriors.

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Mobile RSS Reader v1.11.1 (RC 4) (J2ME Application)

RSS Reader is a mobile Java MIDlet application that runs on Java enabled mobile phones and devices. User can store multiple RSS and ATOM feeds as bookmarks. Feeds can be imported from OPLM file.

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SMS Salama v0.2.0 (J2ME Application)

SMS Salama is mobile phone Java application with which you can send and receive encrypted SMS.

Normally, SMS are transmitted as plain text, so any one with access to your operator’s network may be able to obtain the contents of your message. Some operators may even allow their customer service personnel to look into your messages.

With SMS Salama you are sure your message will only be seen by your intended recipient as long as the password used to encrypt it is a well kept secret between you two (and needless to say, it is strong enough).

Your SMS will be encrypted as it leaves your phone, ensuring that it can only be open by the password used to encrypt it when it reached its destination.

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J2ME MPEG (15-07-2008) (J2ME Application)

J2ME MPEG is a MPEG-1 decoder for MIDP2.0 / CLDC1.0.

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Vocabuilder v1.6 (J2ME Application)

Vocabuilder is a mobile application designed to help you learn new languages. It helps you learn new words and improve your vocabulary.


* Support for multiple lists of words
* Smaller lists of words for focusing the study (around 500 words each)

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me2photo (15-07-2008) (J2ME Application)

me2photo, post your own story with a mobile photo snapshot to

It works only SK Telecom now, but you can port it to other platforms.

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