VideopSpy v3.0 (PSP Application)

VideopSpy lets you keep your sensitive media hidden from prying eyes as inconspicuously as possible.

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Dicewars DS v0.4.0 (Alpha) (NDS Game)

The author of Dicewars decided to release an Alpha version of the upcomming Dicewars DS 0.4.0.

Dicewars DS is a multiplayer version of a popular Flash based strategy game Dicewars for Nintendo DS handheld console. Your task is to conquer the whole game field by rolling dice. Each turn you may attack any opponent’s territory from one of your adjacent territories as long as your territory has more than one die on it. When attacking, If you roll more than the defender, you win.

At the end of each turn, the greatest number of adjoining territories you have is calculated, and you are awarded a bonus of that number of dice, which are placed randomly on your territory.

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DungeonS (NDS Game)

DungeonS is a game based upon Nethack. There’s still work left to do, but the basic game is there:

* Move using the Dpad
* ‘Fog Of War’ is fully integrated
* Random dungeon generation
* Monsters roaming the dungeon
* Attacking monsters, and receiving attacks
* Leveling up
* Picking up items
* Equiping weapons and eating
* Examining and dropping items

Things left to do include being able to equip the armour and the items such as rings.

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MVSPSP v2.2.0 (Slim) (Neo Geo emu for PSP)

NJ has released a new version of his Neo Geo emulator for the PSP Slim.

Thanks to Ranmax09 for the news.

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Alienblaster v1.02 (GP2x Game Port)

Shoot the alien ships, collect powerups/upgrades.

Release notes from Pickle:

Ive put some effort into this port and I have have fixed all the problems I could find.
If you tried the last version, give this one a try before you abandon it entirely.

The major updates are fixing the surfaces to be HW instead is SW, this enabled the game to use the HW accelerated blits through SDL properly. In other words it runs much faster than the previous version. Second I have added the diagonals directions on the gamepad. There are other smaller fixes, see the README for more details.

The game runs well at 220 Mhz, give it more if you think it needs it. As before ive provided GP2X and Windows bin’s. The source code is also included.,0,0,0,30,2321

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GP2X-CAP32 v1.2.0 (CPC emu for GP2x)

GP2X-CAP32 is a port of Caprice32 to the GP2x.


– Major Speed improvements, it’s now close to fullspeed !
– Import CRT emulation part of older version of Caprice32 v4.1.0
(less accurate, but much faster)
– Add two new render modes : Fast and Ultra.
– Sound is now played in 16 bits and stereo !
– Display and save thumbnail images for each save state
– New speed limiter function
– Add option to display fps rate
– Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when
L or R are pressed
– Add a simple intro splash screen
– Support iso8859-1 fonts in print text functions
(might be useful to translate menus in german, french …)
– Bug fix and code cleaning

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Secret project from Space1 (NDS misc)

Space1 unveiled his “secret” project. It seems to be a 3D sort of Mario type game.

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StarHawk 4k (29-09-2007) (A2600 Game)

s0c7 has updated his game StarHawk 4k.


Score – 25 pts for a close (large) alien, 100 pts for a far (small alien), & 1000 pts for blowing up the space station.
High Score – wait a few seconds when the game is over and the score will alternate between your current score (white) and the high score (green).
Small intermission between space stations (So there’s no confusion – this is taking place on the alien homeworld. The Zoltar type is getting reamed by his leader for letting you blow up the space station). Hit fire to start the next level.
A few other minor odds and ends.

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iPhone Oblique v0.0.1 (Rev 4) (iPhone misc)

This is a deck of cards for the musically inclined. They can be used to solve problems with rather “oblique” answers.

This project was inspired by the Dashboard widget of the same name. This project was created in order to experiment with the coverflow style flip animation as well as device orientation. I had a hard time figuring this stuff out so I thought I would post the source code for others.

– Tap the card to flip over
– You can swipe thru cards at random by swiping the display only when the card back is showing.

Try swiping in every direction.

Thanks to for the news.

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iShare v1.04 (Beta) (iPhone Application)

Put iShare on your iPhone and you can upload, share, and download files via sendspace.

Thanks to for the news.

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