Warcraft : Tower Defense v0.4 (Beta) (NDS Game)

Noda’s “Warcraft : Tower Defense” is an adaptation of the famous Warcraft III modification, Tower Defense. The game has been freshly released into the current Spring Coding Contest.,3922.0.html

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Blubb 3D (NDS Game)

Blubb 3d is an offline and online-multiplayer game by Dreamflat.,3921.0.html

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GP2XMB r05 (GP2x Application)

GP2XMB is an alternative launcher for the GP2X, with the same visual layout as the Cross Media Bar.

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PLACAMASTER 68K v1.20 (Genesis misc)

tomman has released a license plate generator for the Genesis, called “PLACAMASTER 68K”, which is a port from his Venezuelan license plate generator for Windows, “PLACAMASTER”. It’s coded on BasiEgaXorz 0.21, and might be a bit buggy.

Thanks to tomman himself for the news who posted them in our board:

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Cube Shooter (Early Demo) (GP2x Game)

charlieb is currently working on a “Cube Shooter” for the GP2x.

Notes from the author:
The game I’ve been working on has finally reached bare minimum playability. Don’t expect too much but I think it’s quite cool and fun even at this early stage. Make sure you run the launch.gpe because the wire3d.gpe will not restart the menu system when it’s done. You have been warned.

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The AcchiappaStelle (GP2x)

In this game by Neurox your job is to catch all stars which are dropped on earth by the moon.

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Watch Rally (GP2x Game)

This is a similar game to LCD Racer, but does not add extra features as fuel and money.

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LCD Racer (GP2x Game)

Stay on the road as long as possible without crashing into another car. For each car you leave behind you, your score is increased by 10 points.

You have three cars. If you have crashed all of them the game is over. Your car has a limited amount of fuel only. On the upper right of the screen you can see how much fuel you have left. Make sure you refuel your car soon enough. To do that, you first need to get some money from one of those cash dispensers that appear on the left side on the road from time to time. Then you can drive to the right side of the road and stop for refueling as soon as a gas station appears. You earn 45 extra points each time you get money and 55 points
each time you refuel your car.

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BugHunt2x (GP2x Game)

In Bughunt2x by scachi you have to protect your salad grewing in the garden from hungry bugs.

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Skeet Shoot (GBA Game)

Shoot the bullets and don’t forget to reload your gun from time to time.

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