Dungeons and Dragons Character Creation Program v1.45 (PSP Lua misc)

Here’s a simple D&D Character Creation program. This is really a time saver if you play D&D and have your PSP handy. It has nice, polished graphics and an image font. This program is based on D&D 3.5 core rules. You pick your class and race and then it gives you your… : HP, Base Attack Bonus, Ability Rolls, Ability Modifiers, Saving Throws Gear (starting package from the Players Handbook). This version fixes the font (again), along with a MAJOR problem of non-random numbers.

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Dungeons and Dragons Mass Battle Generation Program (PSP Lua misc)

Dungeons and Dragons Mass Battle Generation program let you handle up to 2000 units on two opposing sides, with up to 10d50 hp, and dealing out up to 10d50 dmg per turn, all calculated for you on the spot. Simple, straight-forward GUI, and a powerful reading at the end. Just press square to advance one turn into the battle!

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Kobo Deluxe (Beta 1) (GP2x Game Port)

Kobo Deluxe is a fast action shooter which has been ported to the GP2x by theoddbot. Keep in mind that this release is a Beta!,0,0,0,30,931

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FINE r01 (NDS Application)

FINE is a NDS File Launcher. As further information is available in japanese we can not provide you with details.

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PSPLink (Alpha Version) (30-11-2005) (PSP misc)

PSPLink Alpha is a work in progress wifi and client/server library for the PSP.

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Drunkencoders Coding Competition (misc)

While I have been on vacation, announced a coding competition which still runs till 1st January 2006. The deal is to create a game or demo with a holiday theme. More information via the link below.

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2ch Browser Test v0.13 (PSP Application)

2ch Browser Test v0.13 is out… Thanks to PSP-Wiki for the news.

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Pong (GP2x Game)

Pong for the GP2x … 🙂

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Spout v0.1 (GP2x Game Port)

Image provided by: gpspout.72dpiarmy.comNo_skill just released Spout for the GP2x. It is a port of a japanese shooting game.

  • No zoom
  • No real exit
  • find the key, i don’t know which one does thrust.
  • updated release in the future.

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    RAIN r06a (NDS Application)
    Added Nov 30, 2005, Under: Miscellaneous

    RAIN (not to be confused with Raine) is an application for the Nintendo DS that helps you manage SRAM and EEPROM. It can launch NDS files too.

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