Skyway r2 (GP32 Fenix Game)

Image provided by: AlexAlex is currently working on a shooter made in Fenix. It requires the Fenix runtime libs for Gp32.

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GP32 S.E.U.C.K. (GP32 misc)

Wubby is having an attempt to re-create the old (S)hoot (E)m (U)p (C)ontruction (K)it to the GP32. He is in early stages but there is already something to show. There is a lot of non-game stuff that needs adding. Read on here:

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PicrossDS v0.3 (NDS Game)

PicrossDS is a puzzle game for the DS. Thanks toDrunkenCodersfor the news. Changes:

  • 100 more puzzles, bringing the grand total to 150
  • Music! Now you don’t have to play in silence. If it irks you, you can turn the music off in the pause menu by pressing left or right.
  • You can now use L and R to scroll through the puzzle menu a bit faster.
  • Fixed a bug where saved times would get overwritten on certain puzzles.

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    MoonShell v0.4 (NDS Application)

    Infantile Paralysiser has updated MoonShell…

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    Ghost in the Matrix v0.2 (PSP Game)

    Image provided by: PSP-UpdatesJeFF has made a new version of his Ghost in the Matrix game for the PSP. The aim is controlling the ghost (in yellow color) to survive in the matrix. The agents will try to hit you. If you dodge a agent successful, you scored. However, there are two kind of agents. The white agents take your health. The green agents heal you but”summon”more agents. [Description taken from PSP-Updates],0,0,0,12,1542

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    EBOOT Loader v0.4 (PSP Application)

    This is a tool to run homebrew EBOOT programs on your v2.0 PSP. It will not run on any other firmware version. It’s very much work in progress, but can load quite a lot of existing EBOOTs.

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    Xynth (15-10-2005) (PSP Application)

    Xynth is a portable embedded windowing system. More information here:

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    Way of the Rain (14-10-2005) (NDS Game)

    Way of the Rain started as a little physics demo, where waterdrops search their way trough a level. Now its a game, where you have to draw barriers, to show the waterdrops the right way. The game has only 4 levels yet.Seddy is still seeking help in creating levels for his game, more information about this on his page.This new version adds a new interface.

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    Battleships (Beta) (PSP Lua Game)

    Image provided by: elevationsnowelevationsnow has released a new game. This time it’s a conversation of the board game”Battleships”. It’s in early stages, but already playable.

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    PCE Advance v7.5 (PCE emu for GBA)

    PCE Advance is a PC-Engine/TG-16 emulator for the Gameboy Advance by FluBba.

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