Angband2x v1 (GP2x Game Port)

Angband is a roguelike game based on Moria. It is more casual than NetHack. This port runs on the GP2X F100.,0,0,0,26,2895

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DJVU2X v2 (GP2x Application)

DJVU2X is an application to view DJVU files on the GP2X F100.,0,0,0,4,2894

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Netsurf v2.7 (Caanoo Application Port)

Netsurf is a web browser for Caanoo with on screen keyboard and SSL support. Ported to Caanoo by scachi.,0,0,0,112,803

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SuperTux v0.1.3.7 (Pandora Game Port)

SuperTux is a classic 2D jump’n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original Super Mario games covered under the GPL.


1. Corrected the location of the ‘preview block’ in the level editor.
2. Due to the wider screen, I needed to expand the size of the default level for the level editor.

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mrxvt v0.5.0.2 (Pandora Application Port)

The mrxvt program is a terminal emulator for X Window System. It provides DEC VT102 compatible terminals for programs that cannot use the window system directly.

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Double Dash Wii v1.23 (Wii Game)

Double Dash Wii is a Boulder Dash Clone for the Wii, featuring a map editor!


* lev2tmx and dummyxml.xml added DIAMNUM
* added a mapcheck (counts diamonds, boulders, entrys, etc.) during conversion and checks if there are enough diamonds, entrys and exits
* removed some levels from the vs/coop/speedrace maps, because similar leves are now in race/clone mode
* made some new maps for vs/coop/speedrace
* (made a working win32exe of with py2exe (windows tested and ok), but i did not included it because it raises the packagesize about +2.7MB!)

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Powder (Build 116-1) (Wii Game Port)

POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait. POWDER Wii has been ported by insin.


* MSVC Express Edition 2008 project files and instructions added, created by Andreas Bohm.
* Tower shields are large. (Claudio)
* “You cannot hide from I!” is now “You cannot hide from Me!” (B. Perry)
* Looking at a square will also describe any smoke there.
* The dig spell now has the side effect of spraying the excavated rock shards, damaging those around you.
* Create Pit spell is now 10 MP rather than 15.
* Blizzards fill the air with sleet and snow, not sleet and slow. Though the latter does describe their special effect nicely.
* New spell: Sandstorm
* If a god decides to flamestrike you, you now get a few turns warning to prepare yourself.
* Monsters properly check safety of squares before stepping on them.
* If trapped inside a wall without Phase or Breathess, you will suffocate. (Strange Child, Julian Agloro)
* Helmets should be sorted together now. (Aapo)
* Empty bottles will be filled by down pour now. (Aapo)
* Entomb has a better message when blocked. (Aapo)
* Rocks are created when rocks fall on your head. (Aapo)
* Spells you can’t cast have (!) after them in the zap list (Aapo)
* Saving when out of disk space should no longer corrupt your last save game. (Aapo)
* Tossing an item hand to hand no longer takes a turn. (Aapo)
* Spears, knives, and daggers no longer let you equip stacks. (Aapo)
* You are only prompted to throw one spear of a stack. (Aapo)
* The animate forest spell now has its own icon.

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Vigoroth Le Livreur v1.3 (DC Game)

“Vigoroth Le Livreur”, a homebrew game known from the Nintendo DS, has been ported to Dreamcast. It’s a collection of minigames where you take over the role of Vigoroth and deliver packages to your customers.

Thanks to for the news.

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NEO4ALL (RC 4) (NeoGeo Emu for DC)

NEO4ALL is an alternative open source NEOGEO/CD emulator for Dreamcast by Chui & Fox68k.


* Close to fullspeed emulation (frameskip0 with sound-fx).
* Fast FAME Motorola 68000 core by Fox68k.
* Fast FAZE Zilog Z80 core by Fox68k.
* Custom PowerVR2 graphic core (fast tile caching).
* Autoframeskip for real speed.
* Joystick is emulated with analog and digital pad + A,B,X,Y and Start/R-Trigger.
* Complete menu with L-Trigger: region selector, frameskip control, graphic filtering, hardware reset…
* Crystalline sound without lag.
* Both control players emulated.
* SD-Card support for loading ISO/BIN/MDF images.

Thanks to for the news.

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UAE Wii v6 (Amiga emu for Wii)

UAE is a famous Amiga emulator ported to the Wii. UAE Wii can be found on googlecode at, and is based on the source code of E-UAE. The port uses SDL Wii.


* Added SMB support
* Added USB mass storage support
* Many menu improvements (new colors, new popup messages, browsing with nunchuk, wider screen, etc.)
* Added nunchuck menu browsing
* Configuration file saved manually
* Several improvements in input configuration menu (single wiimote configurations, snd and trd button joystick, enable/disable mouse emulation, etc.)
* Name of the loaded file in the menu header
* Added logfile option
* Fixed correct aspect option (to adapt the Amiga screen to Wii screen)
* Fixed mouse jerkiness
* Fixed second Joystick configuration issue
* Other small fixes

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