Ultimate PSPTube HighMemMod (Alpha 2) (PSP Application)

Ultimate PSPtube is a modification of PSPTube which allows you to watch videos on your PSP.Ultimate PSPTube HighMemMod Alpha 2 is a memory modification which should increase the apps speed.

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Netfront Internet Browser HighMemoryMod (Beta 3) (PSP Application)

Netfront Internet Browser HighMemoryMod by Team P86 is the “Netfront Internet Browser” with as much memory freed as possible, to increase it’s speed and stability.

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Smash My PSP v3.21 (PSP misc)

Smash My PSP! is a program in which you use different weapons and tools to destroy and “decorate” your PSP’s main menu.


-fixed paintcan colors
-rerouted screeshot to ms0:/Picture/screenshot.png

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Harrys Hen House (WIP) (A7800 Game)

GroovyBee is working on a Easter game called “Harry’s Hen House”. There is no release yet, but a few bits from the author.

WIP News:

I had hoped to get it done for Easter weekend but its undergone a bit of a rewrite today. Theres no binary at the moment, but I’ll definately put one up later on. If the level looks familiar its taken from an old A&F game called Chuckie Egg. Its using the Wasp! game engine, so its unlikely to work on real hardware 🙁

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The Final Countdown (Pandora misc)

EvilDragon posted another big news item about the upcomming Pandora console.

Read on:

Yep, we’re still alive!
And we all do hope you had a very happy easter and some free days.
It’s time for a very comprehensive blog post – the best prediction we can give at the moment.
It definately is kinda hard to predict some stuff, as communication between the various timezones is taking some time…
For example, if I send the battery layout to Michael to check it for sizes and afterwards he sends it to the Chinese factory… geez, there are three VERY different timezones involved…
Anyways, back to the topic. I had quite a bit of work to do during the easter days, I created the battery label (not only the part you already seen, but the label with exact cuttings and measurements).
And I had to translate the complete GP2X WIZ Manual into german language (about 70 pages… whoooopsie… yeah, I know it’s not Pandora related, but I do multiple things at once ;))

Okay, now onto our (best case) prediction…

Our current plan is to build a half dozen prototypes for rev3 by the end of April or first week of May (depending on how far the devs get with the software).
Michael will test them thoroughly with a new kernel from Notaz/DJWillis. The tests will mainly be to make sure the boards were manufactured properly (since they will be from the company who will provide production quantities) and to make sure they were soldered properly.
So basically, our final hardware test will start soon!

We’re trying to make sure we can build up to the first 500 units in May (at most). The next 3500 should be finished in June.
The transparent case should arrive within the next few days. After that, we can finally start the moulding process!
It does seem like the best date we will have cases is the end of May. After they arrive, we can finally start shipping, as the boards will be ready at that time.

Some things can and will be done in parallel, so that that stuff will be ready when the Pandora is finished:

– Get carry cases manufactured
– Do CE and FCC (CE will be done with one of those Rev3 Boards, FCC can’t be done before we have the first final unit)

I guess this is the most comprehensive route map you ever got, eh? We’re getting there 🙂

And again: A BIG thanks to all of you for sitting this out with us. Every one of us does owe a LOT to you!

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Wolf4SDL (13-04-2009) (GP2x Game Port)

Pickle updated Wolf4SDL (Wolfenstein 3D SDL Port) an engine port, which can be used to play Wolfenstein 3D.

Because Wolfenstein 3D is showing swastika’s during ingame, we can not provide any links as it would be against german law. In particular it would be against paragraph 86 StGB “Verbreiten von Propagandamitteln verfassungswidriger Organisationen”.

Allthough this is just an engine port of Wolfenstein 3D, the game itself is still indexed.


Offloading the fmopl to the 940. This allows Wolf4SDL to run below 200 Mhz.
Double buffering/VSYNC (althgough theres a catch to this, the status bar does update properly in this mode at the moment. use the parameter –nodblbuf to turn is off.
Many other bugfixes look at the changes.txt for more.

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FCE Ultra GX v3.0.0 (NES emu for GC)

Tantric has released a new version of his continued port of FCE Ultra GX a NES emulator for both the Nintendo Wii and GameCube.


New GX-based menu, with a completely redesigned layout. Has Wiimote IR support, sounds, graphics, animation effects, and more
Thanks to the3seashells for designing some top-notch artwork, to Peter de Man for composing the music, and a special thanks to shagkur for fixing libogc bugs that would have otherwise prevented the release
Onscreen keyboard for changing save/load folders and network settings
Menu configuration options (configurable exit button, Wiimote orientation, volumes)
Configurable button mapping for zapper
New save manager, allowing multiple saves and save browsing. Shows screenshots for Snapshot saves, and save dates/times
SMB reconnection feature
ISI issue fixed

Thanks to and for the news.

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FCE Ultra GX v3.0.0 (NES emu for Wii)

Tantric has released a new version of his continued port of FCE Ultra GX a NES emulator for both the Nintendo Wii and GameCube.


New GX-based menu, with a completely redesigned layout. Has Wiimote IR support, sounds, graphics, animation effects, and more
Thanks to the3seashells for designing some top-notch artwork, to Peter de Man for composing the music, and a special thanks to shagkur for fixing libogc bugs that would have otherwise prevented the release
Onscreen keyboard for changing save/load folders and network settings
Menu configuration options (configurable exit button, Wiimote orientation, volumes)
Configurable button mapping for zapper
New save manager, allowing multiple saves and save browsing. Shows screenshots for Snapshot saves, and save dates/times
SMB reconnection feature
ISI issue fixed

Thanks to and for the news.

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SNES9x GX v4.0.1 (SNES emu for Wii)

Michniewski and Tantric updated their SNES9x port to Wii and Gamecube once again.


Fixed turning off autosave in menu
Keyboard fixed, more keys added
Fixed 7z loading from DVD
Enable auto loading and renaming of SRAM save without “Auto” in the name
PAL resolution fixed – no more letterboxing
File browser scrollbar box now draggable, arrow buttons now scroll list
Better handling of multiple on-screen wiimotes
Menu restructured – new “Game Settings” menu

Source: and

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SNES9x GX v4.0.1 (SNES emu for GC)

Michniewski and Tantric updated their SNES9x port to Wii and Gamecube once again.


Fixed turning off autosave in menu
Keyboard fixed, more keys added
Fixed 7z loading from DVD
Enable auto loading and renaming of SRAM save without “Auto” in the name
PAL resolution fixed – no more letterboxing
File browser scrollbar box now draggable, arrow buttons now scroll list
Better handling of multiple on-screen wiimotes
Menu restructured – new “Game Settings” menu

Source: and

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