FCE Ultra GX v2.0.8 (NES emu for GC)

Tantric has released a new version of his continued port of FCE Ultra GX a NES emulator for both the Nintendo Wii and GameCube.


– Fixed a major memory corruption bug in FCE Ultra 0.98.12
– Faster SD/USB – new read-ahead cache
– Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
– Changed GameCube controller back to menu from A+Start to A+B+Z+Start
– Add option for horizontal-only video cropping
– Decreased minimum game size to 8 KB
– Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes - Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc - Code cleanup, other general bugfixes


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Unofficial SNES9xGX v009 (SNES emu for Wii)

Michniewski and Tantric updated their SNES9x port to Wii and Gamecube once again.


– Faster SD/USB – new read-ahead cache
– Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
– Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes - Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc - Code cleanup, other general bugfixes


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Unofficial SNES9xGX v009 (SNES emu for GC)

Michniewski and Tantric updated their SNES9x port to Wii and Gamecube once again.


– Faster SD/USB – new read-ahead cache
– Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
– Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes - Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc - Code cleanup, other general bugfixes


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Splatter Castle (27-01-2009) (Wii Game)

SpiderDave is working on Splatter Castle, it’s a Castlevania style platform game for Nintendo Wii.


Splatter castle is a platform game for Wii. Development is still early. Use at your own risk.

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Picodrive v1.35 (Megadrive emu for Wiz)

Picodrive by Notaz is a Genesis/MegaDrive and SegaCD emulator for Wiz.,0,0,0,71,17

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Quake v0.01 (Wiz Game Port)

Pickle released a port of Quake for the Wiz.


Based off woogals gp2x port. Again this using the 8 bpp to 16 bpp conversion, so theres some wasted cycles

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GPFCE v0.4 (NES emu for Wiz)

Orkie released Gpfce, it is a Nintendo Entertainment Systeme (NES) for Wiz.


Hooked it up to libcastor and got it playing nicely with some advice from Pickle on how to build it. Slight tearing because I haven’t got any kind of double buffering in libcastor yet (though I did get wait for vsync working earlier, so at least half of my objectives for 0.3 have been met).

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WarioWare Custom v1.7 (NDS Game)

SaviorXTanren updated their mini-game collection “WarioWare Custom”.


Ver 1.7: Alright, so two notices.

First, I’ve made a few updates to the game, mainly graphical things. I added the top screen image that drawn very nicely for me by Kikaimaster. =D Also, I added in the Objection! mini-game. Any fans of the Phoenix Wright game will get a good laugh. =) I also made a temporary icon for the game logo, it’s just the current bomb sprite, but it looks sorta of crudy in 8-bit, but oh well.

Second, I entered this game in the Drunken Coder’s Winter 2008 Competition. The version that I had in this post is the one that entered in there. Still some development things here and there, but looks like a decently complete game. =P Let’s see how well it does. HA HA [/SARCASM] =D

Thanks to for the news.

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FUSE (Snapshot 3) (Spectrum emu for Wii)

Fuse is the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator by Philip Kendall, an emulator for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, a home computer that was very popular in the 80s.


– Buttons 1, 2, A, B, Plus and Minus are now user defined. By default they are mapped to joystick fire. To define them go to menu Options/Joysticks/Joystick 1…/Button Mapping
– Added ability to save settings: To manually save settings go to menu Options/Save. You can also set auto-saving settings to on in menu Options/General. Settings are automatically loaded on startup. They are located in sd:/apps/fuse/.fuserc. This is an unofficial patch.

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Wiilander v0.42 (Wii Game)

Wiilander is a clone of the popular classic 70s Lunar Lander game. With a big different, you don’t use buttons – instead just hold the Wiimote horizontally and rotate it to control the angle of the ship, and twist it to control the throttle of your rocket. Discover the secret word, landing on all the bases!


– Cinematic improved dramatically.
– Now game is easier.
– Stall altitude refered to the “sea level”.
– When ship stall, Wiimote start to vibrate.
– Increase the thick of the mountains.
– New colours, on the ship (and on the fire??)
– Ship now take off.
– Game over only when you run out of fuel AND ship crash.

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