G-Alarm v0.9.6.1 (PPC Application)

G-Alarm is an alarm clock with a special mechanism to wake you up. Before the alarm clock stops you need to guide a ball through a labyrinth.


[FIXED] Trying to fix all music playback bugs > Please report if everything works now


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Quake III Arena (Symbian OS Game Port)

Oli Hinkka has just released a port of Quake III Arena for S60 3rd Edition phones. It features support for Bluetooth keyboard / mouse support. Also unlike with previous Quake ports, with this one you can even run a server on the phone.

This port requires an S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 phone (e.g. N95 or E90) and ARMv6 processor. It will not work on older S60 3rd Edition (non-FP1) phones. You need to install PIPS C Runtime libraries for this software to work.

Thanks to for the news.

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Pocket Forecast v0.35 (PPC Application)

Pocket Forecast which is formerly known as Pocket Weather has been udpated.

This weather forecast application has the following features:

1. Multiple locations
2. Cached weather feeds
3. Skinnable themes
4. Uses Yahoo/ RSS feed – see to look up location codes (also uses U.S. zip codes)
5. Open source (code posted on forums)
6. Configurable interval for updating weather feed


– image themes implemented (portrait mode only)
– in progress (dev) image theme landscape, VGA

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LongRunner v0.1 (Beta) (PPC Application)

Radio consumes not unsignificant battery power, especially when you’re travelling. Sometimes you dont have to be available for calls…

LongRunner turns off the radio part and keep that for defined time interval. Then it automatically sync all POP/IMAP accounts, the On interval should be long enough to even receive SMS.

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MyWeatherForecast v0.1 (Beta) (PPC Application)

MyWeatherForecast is an upcomming new weather forecast application. Goal is to make it as finger friendly as possible, and support multiple resolutions (currently running in VGA) while keeping it simple feature-wise.

This version is basically just a test, which does NOT allow you to set a city of choice yet.

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Walkie-Talkie v0.3 (NDS Application)

Walkie-Talkie for DS Lite changes the Nintendo DS Lite into a walkie-talkie.

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MegaBlock v1.0.0 (J2ME Game)

MegaBlock is a Tetris clone. It runs on most recent mobile devices, providing they have a screen size of 240×320 or better and support MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1.

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RealtimeBlog v1.4 (PPC Application)

RealtimeBlog generates GSM and GPS GeoTag files and provides an interface to manage the openBmap GeoTag Files manager. It sends photos to your ISP account and updates your Facebook mini-feed from your Windows Mobile device.

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Frog Escape v1.0.0 (J2ME Game)

Frog Escape is a clone of the classic Konami game Frogger. It aims to have the same look and feel as the original game. It runs on modern devices with J2ME support with a screen size of 240×320 supporting MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1 (most recent mobile phones, for example).

Thanks to retroK / for the news hint!

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IR Calendar v2.1 (PPC Application)

IR Calendar is a persian calendar whith prayer times and salavat counter.

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