Custom IOS37 (Revision 3) (Wii Application)

Custom IOS37 by Waninkoko is a Custom IOS, an IOS modified to add some new features not available in the official IOS.

This application comes with no warranty at all, neither express nor implied. Nor the author Waninkoko, nor anyone else will take any responsibility for any damage to your Wii console because of improper usage.

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WiiLife v0.2 (Wii misc)

WiiLife is an implementation of Conway’s Game of Life for Wii. It lets you watch a random population of cells evolve and die. You can zoom in for a better look and scroll around. If you get bored, you can create an new random population.


icon.png and meta.xml added to .zip
Speed can now be slowed down and speed up again (starting speed is maximum speed at the moment)
Initial pattern changed to Gosper’s Glider Gun
Fewer living cells in random populations

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Homebrew Browser v0.2.1 (Wii Application)

The Homebrew Browser allows you to download the latest homebrew applications and games all through your Wii. You don’t need to take your SD card out. You don’t even need a computer! You can also delete homebrew you no longer want.

No more dead links, no more extracting files, no more finding out that the homebrew application doesn’t include an icon.png and meta.xml in the zip file!

Added homebrews in this release:

Asteroids v0.1 with Wiimote support, DragonMedia Player v0.12 Beta, ftpii v0.0.12, Gecko OS v1.06d cf, Genesis Plus v2008.07.16, Gnuboy GX v2008.07.15, MahJongg Wii v0.2, Uno v4 and Wii Web Server v0.81 Alpha

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SpeakerPhone – Auto On v1.05 (PPC Application)

Automatically turn on your speakerphone. While the application is running, when an incoming call is received, the speakerphone of your device will automatically turn ON when you receive the call. You can also automatically activate the speakerphone when you are making an outgoing call by checking the Outgoing ON in the menu. It should work on smartphone and PocketPC WM5/WM6.


– auto minimize on start
– No more today task bar icon
– fixed the on-hold situation on some phones *hopefully*

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iContact v1.01 Enders Edition (PPC Application)

Manage your contacts with iContact… based upon the original iContact, enhanced by Ender.


Feature : Contact Pictures will now display below a certain scroll velocity. So now you can have best of both worlds: Fast scroll speed and contact pictures. Velocity treshold can be set in the ini file with “PictureVelocityTreshold”
Feature : Width of the hidden scroll bar that is used to navigate between letters are now configurable in the SKIN file. Keyword “InvisibleScrollbarWidth”
Modified : I changed the versioning scheme so there is no confusion between diffferent iContact flavors
Modified : Back button and ‘+’ button click areas are now bigger.
Fix : Fixed a memory leak which eventually crashed the application
Fix : Fixed an issue where black colors on contact pictures would show as background color
Fix : Fixed a bug where scrolling would sometimes jump to the end of contact list

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PocketCM Contacts v0.25c (PPC Application)

Pocket CM Contacts is a “finger friendly contact application” for Pocket PC’s.


– New original, interesting and completely random bugs (who read this anyway? and who will copy paste on his site/forum without reading? .. )
– Fixed contact change (delete, add, modify) not to be reflected in the contact list
– Added theme image caching, most theme should load faster the second time now
– Fixed some crash with some weird image
– Fixed Dream theme glitch

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MortgageCALC v1.4 (PPC Application)

Using MortgageCALC for PocketPC you can quickly establish the costs and affordability of major asset purchases. It utilizes the capabilities of the PocketPC like no other loan calculator program, providing the ultimate tool for anyone involved in Banking, Finance or Real Estate. MortgageCALC for PocketPC is designed for PocketPC only (Portrait Screen layout 240 x 320).


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PockeTwit (r04) (PPC Application)

PockeTwit is a twitter client for the Windows Mobile Professional platform.

– Display public, user, and friends timelines
– Update status
– URL shortining with
– Reply to tweets
– Show profiles
– Kinetic scrolling on all lists.
– Clickable @names and URLs


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Colored Gravity (26-07-2008) (Coleco Vision Game)

PkK updated his game Colored Gravity.

There are two spaceships, each steered by a ColecoVision controller. At the top of the screen there are two numbers. The upper one is energy left. Energy is lost when firing, changing color or being hit by a missile. Energy recharges while the spaceship isn’t accelerating or decelerating. The other number is the reload. You can’t fire or change color while it’s nonzero. There are three colors. Objects of different color attract each other.

Left fire button: Fire missile of your current color.
Right fire button: Try to change color.
Joystick: Accelerate / Decelerate, turn spaceship.

Spaceships and missiles bounce when hitting the border of the playing area.

Release notes:

Here’s a slightly improved version. Missiles self-destruct after some time. This may sound like a minor change, but it improves playability by combatting the slowdown caused by too many objects being on the screen at a time.


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Colors (26-07-2008) (NDS Game)

NightFox has released an update of his puzzle game Colors. It plays similar to Columns, where you need to bring three identical colored gems, into a vertical or horizontal row, to let them disappear.

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