NeoPop PSP v0.71.1 (NGPC emu for PSP)

NeoPop PSP is a NeoGeo Pocket and Pocket Color emulator for Playstation Portable.

Release notes:

Initial release

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Mobile ToDo v0.2 (iPhone Application)

Mobile ToDo is a native application for iPhone’s to manage smaller schedules.

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Retrogaming Times Monthly Issue 40 (misc)

Retrogaming Times Monthly is now online.


* Our 10th Anniversary
* Many Faces of Astrochase
* Nintendo Realm – Before the Famicom
* Taking the Pole Position
* Gaming in the Magic Kingdom
* Old wine in new bottles – Namco TV Games
* Nintendo Amusement Park
* Inside the Numbers of the Many Faces

Thanks to for the news.

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GP2XPaint v1.1.2 (GP2x Application)

GP2XPaint is a painting application for the GP2x.


1) Correct a bug into circle tool.
2) Rewrote the fill function, now function very well.(I hope)
3) Added a undo(Y) and redo(X) possibility.
4) Added a possibility to change the value of JOY speed into palette section and into virtual keyboard.
5) Added a possibility to change the value of JOY speed into drawing mode
6) Added a screen magnifier for Free Hand tool and Fill Tool.This function is activable by configuration window.

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Five Dice v0.8b (iPhone Game)

Think Yahtzee! Fun, and easy to play. Great game for killing a time since it will hold your place. Play whenever you want. The iPhone is a great platform for a native version of this game. Enjoy!

Release notes:

Prior to .8b this was very much a proof of concept. The last time I wrote a Yahtzee game was nearly 17 years ago, in HyperCard. After getting an iPhone I found myself missing having Yahtzee on my cell phone. I was also looking for projects to get a little more familiar with the current iPhone development. Once the game was playable and released, I branched off at .2.8b, and rewrote large portions of the code. These changes have made the game more stable, faster, and most importantly more fun to play.

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iBlackjack (Alpha 3.1) (iPhone Game)

iBlackjack an card game for iPhone has been updated.


Quick fix to bug involving no money causing infinite loop. Bank can now go negative, but a loan system will be developed for next release.
Double Down can now only be done on first play.

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Colors v1.06 (NDS Application)

Colors! is a simplistic digital application for Nintendo DS based on modern painting-techniques developed for drawing tablets in programs like Photoshop. By taking advantage of the pressure sensitivity of the DS touch-screen it becomes a perfect portable digital sketch-book.

Release notes:

Current features
Hard and soft circular brush
Pressure-sensitivity can affect opacity and brush-size
512×384 image resolution with 2 stage zoom
Replay the whole painting process of an image
Hue-circle and luminance and saturation-triangle style palette
Load and Save to memory card
Send painting as e-mail using Wi-Fi

Planned features
Fixing of minor painting artifacts
Better pressure calibration
Simple levels tool
Improved Wi-Fi support
DS-to-DS collaborative painting

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iSwitcher v1.3 (iPhone Application)

iSwitcher is a theme swapping iPhone application.


No changelog yet.

By with 0 comments v1.3.1 (NES emu for iPhone) is a Nintendo emulator for Apple’s iPhone. uses a modified version of the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge. In many cases, you are legally entitled to posess a ROM dump of any game that you presently own. ROM images for NES are widely available online, or with the appropriate hardware, you can dump them yourself directly from the cartridge. started as a fork of iPhoneNES v0.01, but has been completely rewritten to run very fast, and with many additional features including full sound, game genie codes, saved games, battery-saved ram support, and full screen support.

Changes since v1.3.0:

Applied patch submitted by Jordan Laughlin:
Switch to CPU timing instead of PPU timing
Cleaned up scrolling code
Kung Fu and others render properly now

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Dicewars v0.3.9 (NDS Game)

Dicewars DS is a multiplayer version of a popular Flash based strategy game Dicewars for Nintendo DS handheld console. Your task is to conquer the whole game field by rolling dice. Each turn you may attack any opponent’s territory from one of your adjacent territories as long as your territory has more than one die on it. When attacking, If you roll more than the defender, you win.

At the end of each turn, the greatest number of adjoining territories you have is calculated, and you are awarded a bonus of that number of dice, which are placed randomly on your territory.


Player and game statistics are now logged into database
Flagging / i.e. player can surrender in game after first 3 rounds
Kdice-like scoring system implemented

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