PSP Theme Changer (PSP Application)

Akez has released a “PSP Theme Changer”.

Author release notes:

I created this homebrew app so i could flash my own waves to my PSP. I dont know whether there are other applications like this but i would still much rather use my own as i know there is nothing which harms my PSP. It is fairly easy to use and it shouldnt brick your psp unless the file you select to copy is not a system_plugin_bg.rco file.

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N3D (NDS misc)

The N3D project is an attemp to create an abstraction layer for the Nintendo DS 3D hardware. The interface is designed to be very similar with Microsoft’s Direct3D API.

The current version is in a very early state and definitely not stable.

Thanks to for the news.

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GravityForce2X v0.3 (GP2x Game Port)

In Gravity Force you control a little ship. Your mission is to collect all cargo and return it safely to your home base. This would be quite easy if there were no enemies and no gravity pulling you to the ground. Well, for the enemies you have a cannon (in fact more than 6 different weapon systems), and for the gravity you have your skill (maybe).,0,0,0,27,2305

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YouTubed-2x (27-08-2007) (GP2x misc)

Gets videos from YouTube and transcodes them to GP2X compatible video files. Also supports PornoTube, RedTube, and XTube. Now includes an experimental GUI module (

Usage: [options] URL(s),0,0,0,17,2284

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StarHawk (27-08-2007) (A2600 Game)

s0c7 has updated his game StarHawk.

Author notes:

So my tweak has turned into a rewrite. The good news is I’ve been able to add in several more things – levels, a better way to keep track of how many misses you have remaining, etc. Right now I’m fighting with it over the last 20 bytes or so. Hopefully I’ll have a final version in a day or two.

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ColecoNation Issue 11 (Coleco Vision misc)

A new issue of ColecoNation has now been published, with a wealth of articles catering to the ColecoVision enthusiast. Inside issue 11 you’ll find:

* An interview with Dan’l Thompson – Coleco programmer who was part of the ADAM Family Computer development team
* An article about the development of the latest CV homebrew, Squares!
* A review of Squares!
* Plus all the latest CV news

Thanks to for the news.

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Paper Scissor Rock 4DS v0.1 (NDS Game)

D3X has released a Paper, Scissor, Rock game for NDS.

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FaceFire (NDS Game)

FaceFire is a Pong game for NDS.

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Star Wars – Battle In The Solar System (Demo Alpha) (PSP Game)

Here comes a new homebrew by Bushy and Antoetienne: Star Wars – Battle In The Solar System

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Cross The Road v0.1 (PSP Lua Game)

Cross The Road is a Frogger style game for PSP. Try to cross the road without getting your frog killed.

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