Exult (Beta 4) (GP2x misc)

Exult is a port of an engine which allows you to play Ultima 7 on your GP2x.


  • Fixed graphic problem that caused screen corruptions (thanks to Willem Jan Palenstijn member of the Exult Team), now it looks perfect 🙂
  • Fixed bug that didn’t permit start Serpent Isle (you have to turn off introductions in main menu to play it).
  • Added sound support for Sound Effects.
  • Added the possibility to write some characters using X and Y buttons in save game dialog (now you can save the progress in different slots instead to use quicksave).
  • Remplaced absolute paths by relative paths in configuration file (now you can copy Exult folder in ANY place of your SD, not only in the root).
  • Added L+Joystick shortcut to move mouse cursor much slower (useful to use very small objects like keys, rings…).
  • Added L+A shortcut to try all the keys availables in a closed door or chest(in this way you don’t need to look for and try all the keys one by one).
  • If you push CLICK Joystick’s button you will get a dialog showing all button shortcuts.

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    Allegro v0.3 (GP2x misc)

    Allegro is mainly a game developing library, which can be very useful for coders as it will save lots of work. It is now available in version 0.3 and can be downloaded from the GP2x File Archive.,0,0,0,19,1108

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    Primed Magazine Issue #3 (PSP misc)

    Another PSP Magazine has hit the public – Primed Magazine Issue #3.

    In this Issue:

  • Interview with 50 Cent and Whitey from GamerGraffix
  • Review of Socom U.S Navy Seals: Fire Team Bravo
  • Review of: Tokobot
  • Primed E-Mag Unique Wallpapers Included
  • E3 Booth Babe Special

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    Doom PSP v0.04 S.S Beta 6 Fix (PSP Game Port)

    StereoMike has released a bugfix version to his previous Doom PSP release.

    Release notes:

    I’ve found the bug with the screen alignment and the music volume so i’m releasing a fixed version. h ttp://

    Changes in Doom-PSP v0.04 S.S b6 fix:

  • Fixed problem with screen alignment – Was a problem with the memory aligment of the texture.
  • Increased the music volume to a normal level

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    SuperTux v0.1.3 (PSP Game Port)

    Another port of “SuperTux” for the PSP has been released by Jomar Johansen. SuperTux is a classic 2D jump’n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original SuperMario games.

    Release notes:

  • psp button input
  • images resized
  • 16:9 screen support
  • separated run and fire button
  • added some gore
  • other minor changes

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    Ultimate Pong EZ v0.001 (GBA Game)

    For all lovers of Pong… here is an unknown one by”Michi”.

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    RTS v0.2 (NDS Game)

    Release notes:

    This is more a proof of concept than a game, but it’s still quite playable. Everything works perfectly on hardware, but it also runs fine on Dualis with the exception of transparency, but that shouldn’t affect the game at all, and the touchscreen being off by about 16 pixels vertically.

    Jan 2nd, 2006 Update. v0.2
    Small change for left handed people, the four face buttons now do the same as the d-pad.

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    PSP News Coding Competition Reminder (PSP misc)

    PSP News are still running their coding competition for the PSP. It ends in one week, on the 10th January. Enough time to prepare something little. More details can be found at it’s official page.

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    PSP Media Player Mod v1.00 (PSP Application)

    PMP Mod is a media player for PSP by Jonny. The”Mod”suffix indicate that this is a modified version, based on the original version from JiniCho. Many thanks goes to JiniCho for porting FFMPEG and FFPLAY to PSP. Without his work, this modified version would never be possible.

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    Doom PSP (Beta 6) (PSP Game Port)

    StereoMike has been hacking away at the source of Doom PSP and added a lot of new features.


    Music now works fineUses samples from the opensource Needs these placed in the inst directory. This is included in the package. The library libtimidity that is used is included with full src for others to add midi music. Just take a look i_sound.c in the doom src for an example of using it. -Added Selection of PWAD to load in addition to the main (I)WAD. PWADS should be put in a directory below the WAD directory for example PSP/GAME/DoomPSP PSP/GAME/DoomPSP/WADS –put the main wads here PSP/GAME/DoomPSP/WADS/PWADS –put the PWADS here Select with triangle. Can also view txt-files, scroll with Square button.

  • Can now load IWADs that are not named correctly. Just assumes that it’s a Doom 2 wad. This makes for example DUKENUKEM.WAD load and run without having to rename it to DOOM2.WAD
  • Compiled against latest PSPSDK
  • Changed key usage to cross for selection in wad list and circle to go back.
  • Changed exit screen to say”press x to exit”instead of”press y to exit”
  • Fixed going back one directory by using circle button.
  • Rearranged a bit in the code.

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