Blending Demo (GBA Techdemo)

LiraNuna who was quite active two years ago, has released a small technical demo called “Blending Demo”.

This demo was written to demonstrate how easy it is to utilize the DS’s hardware blending and create impressive effects with no effort. In this demo, the witch is flying in the sky, and whenever she’s hovering between the moon, she turns black, because the light from the moon illusions it as such.

The demo is composed of 2 backgrounds and a sprite. The sprite is set to blend with the first background (the moon) with 0 blending, resulting the black color.

Thanks to Sir Brakken VI of for this excellent news hint.

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Wasp (02-04-2009) (A7800 Game)

Collect the mushrooms and avoid the Wasps!

Release notes:

Some minor fixes. Its my last attempt to get it going on a real machine before I get down and build a dev cart

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Stacker (Build 16) (Beta 2) (A2600 Game)

Stacker is a bB version of the arcade game “Stacker”.

Release notes:

I added a whole bunch of drawscreens to the code and ended up having the scanline count steady @ 262. Next up: tackling the blocks.

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Netfront Internet Browser – HighMemoryMod (Beta 2) (PSP Application)

Netfront Internet Browser – HighMemoryMod tried to allocate more RAM on your PSP for you.


-Selection of the destination directory problem is now fixed.
-Used memory is always max. (Not Automatic).
-Now it at the startup it will show the max memory which will be used.
-The code is cleaned.
-New interface at startup and exit.
-Added a music and good theme to the EBOOT. (Thanks to Mazide).
-EBOOT is now smaller. (Thanks to Mazide)
-You can now exit the browser from the HOME button.
-“Free RAM” func.

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Pokemon Battle Evolution (1st Beta) (PSP Game)

Here comes another Pokemon fan game, this one by dragon0010.

Release notes:

after finally checking out pokemon ranger, it kinda inspired me to make my own version of that type of battle system. and after a few months of working on it(this would be my 2nd actual lua game) i finally came up with an early beta version here is a short little video of my progress so far and download link if anyone is interested YouTube – Pokemon battle evolution (first beta)

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Lua Connect Four (PSP Lua Game)

This is PSP Lua Connect Four based on the Milton Bradley Connect Four. It is played using the Lua Player v0.20.

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Ultimate VSH Menu v1.07 (PSP Application)

Ultimate VSH Menu is an Ultimate VSH Menu like the M33 VSH Menu with different features!


– Ultimate VSH Menu is now BUGFREE
– Compatible with the plugin Game Categories
– Compatible with cxmb
– Compatible on psp slim
– Load recovery menu work now on all psp
– It don’t move automatically more
– Don’t hide Ultimate VSH Menu on PSP store
– If you use a ctf theme, the mac addresse don’t show on Chinese
– Don’t show the battery serial, if you’ve got a psp slim TA-88 or TA-85 v2
– It hook the vshctrl to hide M33 VSH Menu, so Ultimate VSH Menu work, if you have “Use VshMenu” on “enabled”
– Added on installer a uninstall function

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Dominion (J2ME Game)

Dominion is a Tetris game by MiRRoRMaN.

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LightWallet v0.9.4 (J2ME Application)

LightWallet is a open source lightweight J2ME personal finance management application.

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Behind the Curtain – GamePark Holdings (Wiz misc)

Anyone thought about how it looks in the GamePark headquater? The video linked below gives a small impression.

Thanks to for the news!

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