fZX32 (ZX Spectrum Emulator for GP32)

Rlyeh released an impressive new emulator: fZX32, a ZX Spectrum emulator. It runs 100% @ 133MHz (frameskip 0) and is about 99,99% compatible (haven’t found a single game yet which doesn’t run!)//file_details.php?fn=2368

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Trailblazer Advance v0.9b (GBA game)

Image provided by: WiddyWOW, WOW, WOW! A really sweet Trailblazer Clone for the GBA by”The Lemoners”. The coderhas not updated his page yet ( but you can download it here from PD Roms or wait until the coders page has been updated.

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Chuzos (GP32 game)

Licantropo released an early new game he made in just one day. Please consider it as early preview. I have no further information of this game, as the bablefish translation was useless.

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Santa Escapes The Labyrinth of Presents (GBA game)

A GBA game from Future-Shock… unfortunatly only one level.

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CaSTaway v14.1 (Atari ST emulator for GP32)

While browsing trought he GP32x webboard, I noticed there is an (inofficial?) update version of CaSTaway which should fix problems for BLU+ users.

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SvOrbis v0.9e (OGG player for GP32)

SvOlli updated his OGG vorbis player for the GP32. The changes:

* A new logo and icon* Support for 8 bit fonts* Now compiled with gcc 3.4.3 instead of 3.4.2* Some small fixes* Cleanup of sourcecode

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TUM 2004 – Demoparty in Hemsbach Germany (misc)

I will be at TUM 2004, a german demoscene party, held in Hemsbach/Germany (near Mannheim). If I should bring my PDRoms Archive with me, please drop me a note via email. If you are not familiar with the demoscene please visitdemoscene.info

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PDRoms Coding Competition #3 – WIP

I am happy to announce the start of the fourth PDRoms Coding Competition, PDRC #3, soon (There was a PDRC #2.5, after PDRC #2). As this competition is going to be something VERY hughe, I am still thinking about rules and categorizing the systems I want to allow, so everything can be as fair as possible. The first prize might be a Nintendo DS with one game or a PSP with one game, this is not decided yet. Please stay tuned for more news around newyear or latest mid of january.

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Black Light WIP-Demo (GP32 Fenix game)

Image provided by: GP32 SpainBack Light is a turn based fighting game for the GP32 written in Fenix. The game itself is in early stages.

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PituKa WIP (Amstrad CPC emulator for GP32)

D_Skywalk is still working on his Amstrad CPC emulator for the GP32. Current status:

Atm, PituKa WIP:- Autoload DSK Roms ->80%- New Sound Core ->10%- Chatboard ->5%

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