PuzzleManiak v2.5 (NDS Game)

PuzzleManiak is a partial port of the Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection on Nintendo DS.


# New game integrated: Inertia
# Untangle is back (was not working on 2.4)
# More translations have been integrated => rules/text menus available in 7 languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian, German and Dutch.
# Bug fix in ‘online scores’ (thanks to Stephen & Albert)

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SNEmulDS v0.6 soon (SNES emu for NDS)

Seems a new version of SNEmulDS will be out soon. Here is some information directly from it’s homepage:

The new version of SNEmulDS 0.6 comes closer… The new GUI is nearly finished and is being integrated to the main core. I’m waiting for artworks from my friend to complete the GUI design.

A new feature of the next release will be multi-language support. For the moment, the language setting is read from the DS firmware, and the charset used is ANSI Western occidental (Windows-1252) so the translation is limited to : English, French, German, Spanish, and Italiano. But in future, Japanese and other language will be included.

All language has been translated already ! Thanks! Others languagues are welcomed to, but will be not included in next release. If you wish to translate in Japanese, i would be interested by a translation using katakana first.

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PDRC 3.667 – Compostatus update (misc)

Well… unfortunatly the competition results are delayed till next weekend. One of the judges was short on time and will hand over his results the next few hours.

Please be patient, results will be for sure out by latest next weekend.


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Lua Player M33-v3.71 (PSP misc)

Here comes Lua-Player adjusted for M33’s custom firmware at version 3.71.

Thanks to for the news.

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eBuddy PSP (PSP misc)

You can use eBuddy PSP to chat with all your MSN / AIM / Yahoo! / Google Talk buddies, in one single buddy list. It has full emoticon support 😀 and is available in English, Deutsch, Espanol, Francais, Magyar, Italiano, Arabic, Nederlands, Portugues and Pt. Brasileiro. More translations will be added soon.

Thanks to for the news.

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NIGaShootuh (Beta 2) (PSP Game)

NIGaShootuh is a fun space shoot em up. If you have a OE/M33/SE firmware then copy the “NIGaShootuh BETA 2” folder to the GAME150 directory inside of PSP on the root of your memory stick. If you have 1.50 then you will have to kxploit the eboot and copy it to the game folder. if you are on any other homebrew able firmware then put it in the GAME folder.


-added menu system
-overclocked cpu to 333
-now enemy shoots back at you
-fixed all collision, so now collision is a lot better
-added semi-homing missiles
-added a points system
-added ability to pause your current game and return to the main menu and when you go back to the game it will be in the exact position as when you left.
-fixed various bugs

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Upcoming Firmware Will Brick Unlocked iPhones (iPhone misc)

iCry writes:

“It was rumored last week, and Apple has now confirmed it: ‘Apple said today that a firmware update to the iPhone due to be released later this week “will likely result” in SIM-unlocked iPhones turning into very expensive bricks… So what are users of SIM-unlocked iPhones to do? Not run the latest software update, that’s for sure. Users can instead pray to the hacking deities – the famed iPhone Dev Team that released the free software unlock, and iPhoneSIMfree, which released a commercial software unlock – to write applications that will undo the unlocks, as it were, if those users want to run the latest iPhone software.'”

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Wrong Way (25-09-2007) (Coleco Vision Game)

You’re driving down a 6 line highway, minding your own business, when suddenly a barrage of cars start driving toward you. Soon you realize that you’re going the… Wrong Way!

At the start, press a number from 1 to 9 for the speed of the other cars, then use the joystick to go left/right, as well as accelerate/brake. Alternately, you can use the left fire button to accelerate, and the right fire button to brake. Arrive at the destination in time, and you can play the next stage… which is exactly the same (WIP, remember).

This is a VERY EARLY work in progress version.

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Cooking Timer v0.2 (NDS Application)

“Cooking Timer” by Infantile Paralysiser has been updated.

Thanks to manu for the news.

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Customize v1.06 (iPhone Application)

Customize is a suite customization tools for the iPhone.


Sep 25, 2007 : Corrected lag time in loading (v1.06).

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