MobileFinder v1.2.0 (iPhone Application)

MobileFinder is a filesystem navigator and launcher for use with iPhones which have been jailbroken. MobileFinder is part of a larger collection of tools in the MobileStudio.


* Filesystem navigation with system file protection
* Application Launch – Launches regular apps and enhanced MobileStudio apps
* Suspended operation for quick application launching and switching
* User modifiable associated file types launch file viewer apps
* Icons differentiate different filetypes
* Copy, Move, Delete operations (requires that /bin/mv and /bin/cp be installed)
* File creation and renaming
* Executable launch via system call (scripts, etc)
* Preferences screen with filesystem browse settings
* Open mode when launched by other apps in MobileStudio

By with 0 comments v1.00 RC4 (NES emu for iPhone) is a Nintendo emulator for Apple’s iPhone. uses a modified version of the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge. In many cases, you are legally entitled to posess a ROM dump of any game that you presently own. ROM images for NES are widely available online, or with the appropriate hardware, you can dump them yourself directly from the cartridge. started as a fork of iPhoneNES v0.01, but has been completely rewritten to run very fast, and with many additional features including full sound, game genie codes, saved games, battery-saved ram support, and full screen support.

Changes since v1.00 RC3:

Added back suspend support
Moved “Frame Skip” option to “Advanced Options”
Enlarged hot spots for select/start
Suspend only when game is in emulation mode – otherwise quit
Fixed frequency sweeping for wave channels 1/2 (in other words, fixed mario jump sounds, punchout ko, etc)
More improvements to sound buffering

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Jack Turtle WIP (NDS Game)

kiswa is in need of motivation and has posted information about his new game “Jack Turtle” which is currently in development.

Without giving away too much… there is a scientist who runs an aquarium and he’s been messing with the animals. His dolphins turned out really well, so he starting genetic modification on some others. Well, the others took over and the worst of them is a whale. The whale has had all the sea turtle eggs stolen from the nearby beach so he can modify them genetically and create an army. One of the dolphins escaped and is helping the sea turtles get their eggs back. The turtles chose Jack Turtle to rescue them, and the dolphin gave him a weapon. Then butt-kicking will begin….

Game Stages:
Stage 1 – Beach to City
The first four levels will take Jack Turtle from the beach to the outskirts of the city.

Stage 2 – City to Aquarium
The next four levels will be Jack’s adventures on his way to the aquarium.

Stage 3 – Aquarium Outdoors
These four levels will be the parking lot and outdoor areas of the Aquarium as Jack nears his goal.

Stage 4 – Aquarium Indoors
Jack will have to travel through the interior of the aquarium on his way to face the evil whale that stole his family’s eggs.

Give him a hand so he gets enough motivation to bring us a new neat NDS homebrew game!

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GravityForce2X v0.3 (GP2x Game Port Source)

ParkyDR has released the source code for GravityForce2X.,0,0,0,46,2316

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Mental Games (03-09-2007) (NDS Game)

Mental Games is a collection of game for the NDS including:

* Mental Pong
* Chain Reaction
* Yin Yang, and
* Danger Zone

More games to come and all games need your “mental” alertness more or less.,1256.msg10283.html#msg10283

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Optique Memory v0.1 (PSP Lua Game)

pilout has released a game called Optique Memory. Due to lack of french language skills, no further details here – tho you can check the release thread.

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iPhoneeBooks v0.9 (iPhone Application) is a simple eBook reader for the iPhone. It reads HTML and text files stored in your Media/EBooks folder, and is smart enough to enter subdirectories, if, for instance, you’ve broken a book down by chapters.


Global persistence works! remembers where you left off in every darn file you read.

Added “unread” indicators for easily telling where you’ve left off. (Only applies to files, not folders.)

Delete books from the file browser! Swipe your finger across the book (or directory thereof) and watch the magic.

Cover art available! Put a “cover.jpg” or “cover.png” file in the root level of your book’s directory, and it will display in the file browser. Get your books from and choose iPhone format, and cover art comes along for free!

Officially released improved, provided by Aaron Davies. Thanks, Aaron!

Some HTML files with width tags may display better. This is a horrible kludge–don’t expect miracles.

By with 0 comments v1.00 RC3 (NES emu for iPhone) is a Nintendo emulator for Apple’s iPhone. uses a modified version of the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge. In many cases, you are legally entitled to posess a ROM dump of any game that you presently own. ROM images for NES are widely available online, or with the appropriate hardware, you can dump them yourself directly from the cartridge. started as a fork of iPhoneNES v0.01, but has been completely rewritten to run very fast, and with many additional features including full sound, game genie codes, saved games, battery-saved ram support, and full screen support.

Changes since v1.00 RC2.1:

Fixed “Can Delete ROMs” preference
Added Auto-Frameskip support / preference
Use of AudioQueue to stream audio THROUGH mediaserverd
Replaced old sound channels button with reset button
Added hooks to system volume

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SoKo DS v0.2 (NDS Game)

SoKo is a Sokoban game for NDS.

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Xmbe v1.1 (PSP Application)

Cross Media Bar Extension, will allow for extra things to be place on the XMB. Currently, it only features a new clock with full length date, and a display for the current battery percentage.

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