LvR (Gameboy Advance)

RAIN r06 (NDS Application)

RAIN (not to be confused with Raine) is an application for the Nintendo DS that helps you manage SRAM and EEPROM. It can launch NDS files too.

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OpenBOR DC v2.0037 (DC Game Port)

OpenBOR, the open source source extension of Beats of Rage, has been updated for the Dreamcast. This version makes it so enemies that throw projectiles that can also hit enemies now do not hit themselves instead. The DC version should now be up to par with the PC version. OpenBOR for Dreamcast with memory management for larger modifications will be uploaded later. Thanks to Metafox for the news.

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TikiBlap Demo v0.1 (DC Game)

Image provided by: c99koderDCBlap has been rewritten to use Cryptic Allusion’s new cross-platform library Tiki, so it now runs on the Dreamcast, Mac, Windows, and Linux. It’s finally gotten to a playable state, so enjoy the demo! The Dreamcast version doesn’t have sound, and the Mac version is a universal binary so it requires 10.4. All platforms are single-player only right now.

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MPH Firmware Launcher v1.3.0 (PSP Application)

The”MPH Firmware launcher”allows to launch a firmware from the PSP’s memory stick. The firmware must be in file format and not in eboot.pbp format, for convert a firmware eboot.pbp in file, use the psardump02a tool. Use the tool at own risk! Changes:

  • Beta version with another core
  • Load 1.00, 1.50, 1.51, 1.52, 2.00, 2.01, 2.50 firmware

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    Fate Act 1 (GP32 VNS Game)

    deadlychicken22 has released Act 1 of his VNS game Fate.

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    Sixteen Digit Kernel Demo (A2600 Techdemo)

    Here’s a little demo that shows 16 digits per line, without venetian blinds, flicker, or ‘zig’. The temp RAM requirement is significant but not unreasonable (slightly under 32 bytes) and the code/tables are large but not huge (the demo is under 2K). The time to set up to display each line is significant but not outrageous (the demo shows eight lines of sixteen digits each); using another K or so worth of tables would cut setup time in half.

    To use this demo, move the cursor with the joystick and press fire to change a digit. All 128 digits may be set independently.

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    Fire (GP32 Techdemo)

    Image provided by: joanvrjoanvr has released a fire effect for the GP32. It runs at 66mhz.

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    Pintor (GP32 Game)

    Hermes has released a game called”Pintor”for the GP32.

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    MAME Alternative Frontend v0.06 (GP32 misc)

    zaq121 has improved his GP32MAME frontend for the GP32. You can grab the latest copy from:,0,0,0,5,934

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    Xump X2 (Beta 1) (GP2x Game)

    Kedo released a first beta version of Xump, an addictive 32 level strong puzzle game, to the GP2x. The game is already available for the GP32 and now has it’s debut on the new GP2x.,0,0,0,5,910

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