Bennu is a scripting language aimed at making games. Bennu is designed as an easy tool you can use to develop games with. It provides easy solutions for sound and graphic operations. While not being as easy as Game Maker, it is also not as limiting as Game Maker. With Bennu, you decide what game you make.
Genesis Plus is a Sega Genesis / Sega Megadrive / Sega Master System emulator for Wii and GameCube. Additionally a very simple SDL port for Win32 is available too. This is a port of Charles MacDonald’s Genesis Plus, with plenty of improvements.
* added YM2413 emulation in Master System compatibility mode.
* fixed SN76489 noise boost initialization.
* minor YM2612 core optimizations.
* added accurate emulation of SG-1000, Master System (315-5124, 315-5246) & Game Gear VDP.
* added support for all TMS9918 rendering modes.
* improved Mega Drive VDP timings accuracy in Master System Compatibility mode.
* fixed color palette initialization.
* fixed shifted sprites rendering in Mode 4.
* modified pixel rendering support (pixel depth is now forced at compilation time).
* optimized 68k core (rewrote 68k interrupt handling, removed multiple CPU types support & unused code) for 5~8% speed improvement
* added accurate emulation of Master System (315-5216, 315-5237, 315-5297) & Game Gear I/O controllers.
* added Terebi Oekaki tablet emulation.
* improved Mouse emulation (fixes mouse support in Cannon Fodder).
* improved Justifier emulation (fixes gun support in Lethal Enforcers 2).
* improved 6-Buttons control pad emulation (fixes Duke Nukem 3D)
* modified lightgun emulation to use common key inputs for all devices.
* 2-buttons controller is now picked by default for Master System games.
* added copy-protection hardware emulation for some new dumped games (Tiny Toon Adventures 3, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers & The Battle of Red Cliffs).
* added Game Toshokan in EEPROM database (verified on real cartridge).
* fixed Micro Machines 2 – Turbo Tournament EEPROM size (verified on real cartridge).
* modified SRAM banswitch hardware emulation to be more compatible with some hacks.
* added Cyborg Z to Korean mapper database.
* added 93C46 EEPROM emulation (Majors Pro Baseball, World Series Baseball & World Series Baseball 95).
* added support for .mdx ROM format.
* added Game Gear & SG-1000 ROM support.
* added accurate emulation of SG-1000, Master System (I, II) & Game Gear hardware models for 100% compatibility.
* updated to new Genesis Plus license (see
* various code cleanup.
* IMPORTANT: cheats, screenshots & save files are now stored in console-specific directories (ex: /snaps/md, /cheats/ms, /saves/gg, …)
* added 8-bit Action Replay & Game Genie codes support (for Master System & Game Gear games).
* improved audio/video synchronization for PAL games in 50Hz TV modes (now use VSYNC like NTSC games in 60hz modes).
* improved gun cursor positioning accuracy.
* improved horizontal scaling & screenshots rendering in H32 mode.
* fixed a bug with ROM file extension handling that would affect cheats, snapshots, sram & savestate files.
* removed ARAM/injected ROM support (unused).
* removed WPAD_ and PAD_ update from VSYNC callback.
* increased GCC inlining limits for some speed improvment.
* compiled with devkitPPC r24 & libogc 1.8.7.
Retrogaming Times Monthly #87 is available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on homebrew the homebrew scene.
Content of this issue:
* Press Fire To Begin
* Retrogaming News
* Apple II Incider – News And Updates
* Gaming Tetralogies – The Castlevania Series
* Show Report – California Extreme 2011
* Standalone Spew – Machine Against The Rebel
* MAME Reviews – Sheriff
* Commodore Du Jour – Questron
* Commodore Du Jour (A Second Helping) – Park Patrol
* Dual Perspective – Dragon Power
* The Pixelated Mage – DoReMi Fantasy: Milon’s DokiDoki Adventure
* Homebrew Sleuth – Space Harrier
* A Pixelated 21st Century
* Game Over
LCFW 6.39LME for OFW6.39 is a custom firmware for PSP by neur0n. It is supposed to work on 01g ,02g , 03g, 04g, ,05g ,07g and 09g models. The degree of stability is still unknown. Please test it on your own and refer to different people’s test reports. Use/install at own risk!
– Fixed a bug when ISO open in XMB.
– Added a PBOOT.PBP execute option.
– Fixed a UMDdrive noise when enter sleep mode.!/neur0ner/status/100196810001362945
CFW 6.39ME (Minimum Edition) for OFW6.39 is a custom firmware for PSP by neur0n. It is supposed to work on PSP1000 and PSP2000 models. The degree of stability is still unknown. Please test it on your own and refer to different people’s test reports.
— Fixed a bug when ISO open in XMB.
— Added a PBOOT.PBP execute option.
— Fixed a UMDdrive noise when enter sleep mode.!/neur0ner/status/100196145787187200
SnesGP2x is a SNES emulator initially for GP2x, now ported to Wiz by GECA_soft. It’s in early stages so you should probably not expect miracles.,0,0,0,71,562
Added Aug 7, 2011, Under:
Brause Peak by Inversion is an OpenGL ES 2.0 capable Demo running on iOS 3.1 (or higher) devices. Your phone needs the ability to run unsigned code (jailbreak). For drag-and-drop install using iTunes, you need to have AppSync installed.
Added Aug 7, 2011, Under:
WiiTris is a Tetris style game for Wii by wilco2009. Play WiiTriis with your friends using your own Miis on your console. WiiTriis allows up to four players simultaneously with two game modes. If you are someone who like to compete, try the battle mode and send all your completed lines to your opponents. To play use the Wiimote horizontally, using the cross buttons to move the pieces and drop them and buttons 1 and 2 to rotate the pieces clockwise or counterclockwise. In battle mode you can choose the opponent to send you the lines you complete. Get to keep your score in the top five and see your Mii proud in the gallery of fame.
– Fixed a bug when send a line to a not playing player in battle mode.
– Fixed music overlaping blind sound.
– Dropping speed increases more rapidly.
– Pause added.
Thanks to for the news.
“Micro Lua DS” is a Lua programing language and interpretor for Nintendo DS.
Release notes:
Nothing really useful ; wait for 4.1.1 final 😉
Thanks to for the news.
ThatOtherDev comes up with a port of his PC/Wii game “Avoidance”. (Hi)Scores are NOT displayed and also not saved (the screenshot is from the Wii version). The author is aware of the port being far from perfect, but he does not want to spend more time with it.