LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Halloween Bow v1.0 (Android Game)

It’s Halloween Night, you are out doing some trick-or-treating when suddenly Monster’s have decided to rise from the dead to try and take over your town. You are armed with a Bow an arrow, but you have just one chance to shoot the monster, if you miss they will shoot and instantly kill you with you having no chance to survive. Can you save the town?

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Melting Snow: Hide and Seek v1.0.1 (PICO-8 Game)

Melting Snow: Hide and Seek by OldPeculier is a two-player hide and seek game played in the snow. The first player hides. As you do so, you inevitably leave clues: footprints in the snow, barrels pushed out of place, gates left open, chickens frightened into odd places. After you hide, the second player (who has been closing his eyes) takes over as the seeker. You look for the hider, but not just anywhere: try to narrow your search by deducing where the hider must be. To investigate a place, move to it and then tap the Z and X keys rapidly back and forth. Once you’ve filled the search bar the game will tell you whether you’ve found the hider. If not, keep searching until the time runs out.

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Number 7 (30-12-2016) (PICO-8 Game)

Number 7 is a logic puzzle game for PICO-8 by zielok.

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Eskargool v2.1 (PICO-8 Game)

Eskargool by korvus is a very simple game: Grab as much salad as you can in just a few seconds.

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Realms of Idle v0.2.3650 (Android Game)

Realms of Idle is a strategy game for Android by ilMare Games.

Release notes:

– Minor bugfixes

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Twin Dragons (30-12-2016) (WIP) (NES Game)

glutock has news on his platform game Twin Dragons for the NES.


– a lot of bugs have been fixed
– 45° slopes are completely implemented
– player can jump down from one-way platforms / moving platforms by pressing down+jump
– background CHR is now full, and contains tiles for 2 worlds

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FBI v2.4.6 (3DS Application)

FBI is an open source file and title manager by Steveice10 for the Nintendo 3DS.


* Color tickets based on whether they are in use. Green means in use, red means not in use.
* Fix acquisition of service access as a 3DSX.
* Fix file operations being messed up when attributes cannot be read.
* Fix use-after-free crash in bulk file operations that delete targets.
* servefiles: Allow any extension when pointing directly to a single file.
* servefiles: Other minor code improvements.

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QMPlay2 v16.12.23.0 (Pandora Application Port)

QMPlay2 is a video and audio player. It can play all formats supported by FFmpeg, libmodplug (including J2B and SFX). It also supports Audio CD, raw files, Rayman 2 music and chiptunes. It contains YouTube and Prostopleer browser. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.


– Latest stable release.
– Updated sources and libs.

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Otter Browser v0.9.12.15 (Pandora Application Port)

Otter Browser aims to recreate the classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5. At then end you have a web browser controlled by the user and not vice-versa.


* No changelog yet

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FPse v0.11.186 (PSX emu for Android)

FPse for Android is the fastest and most compatible PSone/Playstation 1/PSX emulator for handheld devices. FPse is able to render PSone games in high resolution by using OpenGL which gives outstanding graphics!


– Optimized for speed up
– Improved rendering accuracy for smooth and hd soft modes
– Fixed Freeze on Valkyrie Profile US and Chronocross
– Fixed Glitches on Monkey Hero and The Grinch
– Fixed Crash on Urban chaos
– Fixed PBP file support > 2gb
– Fixed Audio plugin glitches on some devices
– Fixed Multiplayer over network
– Fixed crash on android 7.1
– Fixed English translation (thx to David P)
– Fixed .CCD and .SUB support
– Improved guncon accuracy

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