LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Jayenkai’s A Game A Week Coming to Nintendo 3DS? Part 5 (Nintendo 3DS misc)

Jayenkai of A Game A Week fame shows more progress tweaking his AGameAWeek C++ Framework for the Nintendo 3DS. By 29th April there are menus and options on bottom screen, few more things to do. Read more at GBAtemp.

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2 Dudes and a NES (NES misc)

2 Dudes and a NES are creating a regular Nintendo NES retrogaming podcast! Most content is accessable for Patreon supporters only, but you still find great content which is free.

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Two Cyclops v2018.04.28 (WIP) (Genesis Game)

Two Cyclops is a new Sega Genesis game currently in development.

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Find 7 v1.1.2 (Android Game)

Find 7 is an ad supported Android game by Chubby Room. The goal is to connect number’s nodes to make a result of 7.

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The Retro Hour EP118 – California Games & Chip’s Challenge (misc)

The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.


We talk Chip’s Challenge, California Games and the ill-fated 3DO M2 with the legendary Chuck Sommerville, formerly of Epyx Games and Electronic Arts.

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The Retro Hour EP119 – Bullfrog: The Inside Story (misc)

The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.


We get the inside story on Bullfrog and games like Populous, Syndicate and Magic Carpet from Glenn Corpes.

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Super Mario Machine Gun v2.0 (PICO-8 Game)

dollarone made Super Mario Machine Gun with a single question in his head: What happens if Mario had a machine gun?

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Taco v2018.04.28 (WIP) (SNES Game)

Taco for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System / Super Famicom got another mini progress report in form of a screenshot.


testing new BG

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Alfonzo’s Arctic Adventure v2018.04.27 (WIP) (NES Game)

The author of Alfonzo’s Arctic Adventure got a tiny update for us!

Release notes:

Just finished up designing the 40th level in Alfonzo. I’m planning for 96. 24 of those levels were made within the last 2 months, with 8 done in the past week. I feel like I’m hitting a nice groove here.

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Jayenkai’s A Game A Week Coming to Nintendo 3DS? Part 4 (Nintendo 3DS misc)

Jayenkai of A Game A Week fame shows more progress tweaking his AGameAWeek C++ Framework for the Nintendo 3DS. OMG! OMG! There is sound now… sort of! Read more at GBAtemp.

Flappadiddle Doo - 3DS Homebrew - Sound!

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