LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Unnamed Genesis Game v2018.03.10 by Mikael Tillander (WIP) (Genesis Game)

Mikael Tillander has been generous to the public and published a tiny video of his yet still unnamed Genesis game.

Still unnamed SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis game


Uploaded a vid of current state of things. Still haven’t figured out the elemental system. Music by Johan Agurén! Inspirationals in the vid: Osman slash colors, Mystical Defender explosion, Roger Dean bkg things.

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Adventures in Mega Drive Coding Part 5 – Palettes and Splitting Tiles (Genesis misc)

Andrej Preradovic of Ohsat Games teaches us how to program the Sega Genesis! Read Adventures in Mega Drive Coding Part 5 – Palettes and Splitting Tiles.

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libnx v1.1.0 (Nintendo Switch misc)

libnx is a programming library for Nintendo Switch homebrew development.

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Video: NES Programming #8 – Fixing Negative Velocity And Adding A Title Screen (NES misc)

Michael Chiaramonte shows us once again how to do some NES Programming.

NES Programming #8 - Fixing negative velocity and adding a title screen


In this episode, we fixed the ship physics so that the negative velocities are properly capped. We ran into a strange issue that ended up taking a lot of time to fix in the beginning of the stream, but then moved onto loading the title screen using simple run-length encoding. As I mentioned on the stream, if you’re interested in watching me work on the tools that we’ll be using for tile loading, compression, etc. let me know in the comments. I was originally thinking that I’d simply focus on 6502 assembly but if people are interested in watching me work on the tools too I’m happy to do so.

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The Assembly Line: An NES Homebrew Podcast – Episode #9 (NES misc)

The Assembly Line is a NES homebrew podcast started by Sole Goose Productions and Kevin. They cover a variety of theoretical topics, feature a central game under review, have guest interviews with folks, and also showcase some music.


Episode 9: Quest Forge!

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Spook and Thunder v1.0 (PICO-8 Game)

Spook and Thunder is a PICO-8 game by malubis. The game itself is a top down shooter with an creepy and ambient atmosphere.

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VitaShell v1.82 (PS Vita Application)

VitaShell is a file manager for PS Vita HENkaku.

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Study Hall v1.0 (PICO-8 Game)

Study Hall is a PICO-8 game by khangames. Collect keys, unlock locks and simply survive school! This game is also availably for the Nintendo NES!

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Newo Fox v2018.03.12 (WIP) (Wii Game)

Owen still works heavily on Newo Fox for Nintendo’s Wii.


Stress testing the orb boss. 50 outer pieces for the player to collide into and 50 inner pieces deflect bullets away from the core.

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Juggle Panic v2018.03.11 (PICO-8 Game)

Juggle Panic is a PICO-8 game by bridgs. This game is for two players playing at the same time and juggling balls! The first player to drop five balls loses!

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