Raptor is a 2D Side Scroller by Raptor85.
Release notes:
What this is, is a test game for my 2D game engine, which is written to be able to quickly develop and deploy a game for windows, linux, and the psp, only having to write simple “entity” code then add an entity of that type to a level. (the idea is pretty much taken from the years i spent modding UT2004)
Mathfacts released Last Card, the object of the game is to have the lowest score when a player reaches 500 points.
dDJs by Braware is a DJ Table for Nintendo DS.
Now, with this new version, you can add MP3 files directtly from your Flash Card and mix it with the many new effects!
The .MP3 file MUST be: 22050Hz
The file name MUST be: dj
The file MUST be in the Flash Card ROOT
Nothing more, nothing less!
There are two versions, DS Lite and DS Fat. Because, the version 0.0 does not work on DS Fat, due to brightness function. Now it works!
Eglomer released Lights Out, turn off all the lights!
Thanks to / for the news.
Pocket Raider was inspired by Will Wright’s ‘Raid on Bungling Bay’ (1984). This game has 9+ levels, each 88+ screens in size. You fly an Airship whose mission is to bomb all enemy Gun Turrets, Speed Boats, Tanks and Buildings to complete each mission progressing through the enemies backbone of bases, factories and finally their command center.
A new PS3 BD-J Game by Buunyan.
Bugs appeared and your task is it to “sweep” them away. Find out how they behave and use the panel to make them disappear.
Thanks to snesy, our japanese language expert, for the translation once agian.
A game by SkinCreators, touch the whoopee cushions and listen to their annoying sound.
Release notes:
Attention you plug my ears voci simulator pets laugh. Much remains to be done, but voci a first public version. A classified as super unnecessary stuff
Thanks to for the news.,3761.0.html
NightFox is working on a new game, a collection of minigames. For now, there are two minigames included.
Added Sep 12, 2008, Under:
Hermes has updated his PC Engine emulator for the Nintendo Wii.
– Added support ADPCM and emulated some features of the CD BIOS
– Improved Savestate
This is a remake of the famous “Moorhuhn” shooter for PSP.
Release notes:
I’m here to enter my new game Moorhuhn PSP v3 into the PSP Updates Summer Homebrew Contest.
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