ZodTTD Project News (iPhone misc)

ZodTTD posted some news about his iPhone projects


Hello from ZodTTD,

I have begun porting over my projects to jailbroken iPhone/iPod Touch firmware 2.0. The first projects I’ve started with are Quake 1 and gpSPhone (GBA emulator).

Keep in mind all software before 2.0 firmware needs the source code to be compiled with a new toolchain, and in many cases changed around a bit due to differences in the firmware’s frameworks. This is why Cydia currently has a lack of software compared to 1.1.4 and previous package management systems like It’s not a matter of repos, it’s a matter of time it takes to get the port made.

Many other developers and I are working on getting their software to work on firmware 2.0. Some may say if I get my software running on firmware 2.0, could I put it on AppStore…

I am unable to take my current softwares as they are now, over to AppStore due to Apple being selective of what they allow. Apple does not want an emulator requiring external files such as BIOS’ and ROMs. When it comes to vlc4iphone, the streaming aspects are allowed, but playing external files may not be.

While I have some software in mind for AppStore, it will most likely not be an emulator. I wanted to do a Shoutcast streaming media player, but it seems I was beaten to it. It will take some thought as to what would be feasible for AppStore.

In the meantime, we have a jailbroken 2.0 firmware ready to see some homebrew!

Thanks for playing,

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Unofficial SNES9xGX 002 (SNES emu for GC)

Michniewski has released a new version of his customized port of Snes9xGX for the Nintendo Wii. He’s added nunchuck and classic controller support, an ini file for controller mappings and compiled an untested GameCube version. You can read more about and download this new release from it’s official release thread.

Thanks to brakken / for the news.

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Unofficial SNES9xGX 002 (SNES emu for Wii)

Michniewski has released a new version of his customized port of Snes9xGX for the Nintendo Wii. He’s added nunchuck and classic controller support, an ini file for controller mappings and compiled an untested GameCube version. You can read more about and download this new release from it’s official release thread.

Thanks to brakken / for the news.

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AndPipes v0.9.9 (Public Beta) (Android Game)

AndPipes is a pipes clone for Android. It is your job to build pipes faster than the water rushes through. Build fast – Build smart.

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Android Dictionary (Android Application)

Android Dictionary supporting Vietnamese, English, French, German and Spanish.

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Beerbong (GBA Demo)

Fresh from Solskogen 2008 comes this Gameboy Advance demo release called Beerbong.

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9th Life (XBOX 360 Game)

9th Life is a cat role playing game for the XBOX 360 and Windows.

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UNO v4 (Wii Game)

kriogeN has updated his card game UNO. More about the cardgame can be found here:

By with 0 comments v2.2.1 (NES emu for iPhone) emulates the hardware in a Nintendo entertainment system, allowing you to play games on your iPhone. There are many public domain, home-brew games available which have been written for the Nintendo platform, and depending on your country of origin, you may be entitled to play images of commercial games which you rightfully own.

Thanks to for the news.

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Wolfenstein 3D v4.8 (PSP Engine Port)

Zack updated his engine port, which can be used to play Wolfenstein 3D and Spears of Destiny.

Because Wolfenstein 3D is showing swastika’s during ingame, we can not provide any links as it would be against german law. In particular it would be against paragraph 86 StGB “Verbreiten von Propagandamitteln verfassungswidriger Organisationen”.

Allthough this is just an engine port of Wolfenstein 3D, the game itself is still indexed.

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