cleanRAM v2.2 (PPC Application)

This is an amazing utility which helps you to clean up the wasted RAM memory without having to restart the device and eventually saves a lot of time.

Changes can be found here:

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NesterJ v1.13 (Beta 2) (NES emu for PSP)

NesterJ is a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) emulator for PSP. This version fixes speed issues and crashes.

Thanks to (via ) for the news.

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gpSP4Symbian v0.5 (Beta) (GBA emu for Symbian OS)

gpSP is a Gameboy Advance emulator originally written by Exophase and now ported to Symbian OS!

Release notes:

The first gpSP4Symbian release is now ready for the testing. It already has some of the fixes that I’m taking with the AntSnes as well. This kind of sums up my Qt development strategy, since now I can use the same UI with all my emulators, so the porting process should be quicker. Also taking new updates to the UI should be a lot faster this way, since I can share UI updates between projects.

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TFM Player (11-02-2010) (Genesis Application)

A ROM for playing TFM music. No compilation required, just append the music to the player binary and start (check included readme).

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Lunar Excursion Module (L.E.M.) v0.4 (A2600 Game)

Lunar Excursion Module is a Lunar Lander’s genre game written using batariBasic.

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Brightpad v5 (PSP Application)

Brightpad lets you (fully) control the brightness of your PSP’s screen.


Replaced ‘minimal brightness’ by ‘default brightness’ in the configuration file
Removed ‘show remaining’ and replaced it by ‘button mask time’, where you put the button to hide or show the battery’s remaining online time.
Added a bar where the current brightness is shown while changing, you could say it’s the beginning of a GUI :p
As usual, in-game you’ll first have to press ‘primary button mask’ and then ‘button mask time’ to hide or show the battery’s remaining time.

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Rubiks Cube v3.21 (PSP Game)

Exter updated his Rubik’s Cube game for Playstation Portable.


Fixed: – Some cubes were not marked as solved correctly.

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PSP Keys Test v3.0 (PSP Application)

This homebrew has the simple task of testing the buttons, analog, audio speakers and the Bad-Pixel of your PSP.


– New layout, much more pleasant and intuitive (Graphics By BURG)
– Homebrew converted to LUAPlayerHM 8.1
– Much improved uploads
– New Test control buttons, you can now test the buttons: Volume (- and +), brightness and the Note button (hold)
– New Analog Test Control integrated with that of Keys
– Added control Pixel Test
– Added automatic update feature (Netlib By return0000)
– Removed the Test Control WLAN on the futility
– Homebrew translated into 2 languages: ENG and ENG

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Wejps Pandora Review (Pandora misc)

The first german users recieved their Pandora and Wejp of “GMU Music Player” fame wrote down his first impressions and took a bunch of pictures.

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Unofficial LaunchELF v4.41 (PS2 Application)

EP has released a new version of his Unofficial version of LaunchELF. uLaunchELF is a front end or operating system or sorts for the Sony Playstation 2 that allows you to browse and boot homebrew from various sources including memory cards, usb devices, hard drives and the built in dvd-rom drive.


-Updated ps2sdk and existing source files to SVN rev 1682.
-Fixed some compiler warnings with the vmcfs driver do to changes in the latest ps2sdk revison.
-Removed the modified screen update delay methods, restoring previous functionality.

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