Protect-Me v3.0 (PSP Application)

This homebrew enables you to protect your PSP with a password.


-PSP SLIM and lite now supported (and so is the HX firmware)
-Added a new function: a historic: it registers in PSP/SYSTEM/hist.txt the day and hour when you logged in and if the password was accepted or not (and if it wasn’t accepted, it tells you what the “thief” typed as a password.
-Now, even if there is no password set, the prx works and writes the connection times in the hist.txt file
-You can now go from “a” to “z” directly.
-In the XMB, press square to accept (to avoid launching the umd by pressing cross…)

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Billy Box (GBA Game)

Billy Box is a Sokoban game for Gameboy Advance created by “Z Production”. There are 48 levels to beat.

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Win2DS v0.8a (Unofficial) (NDS Application)

This is an unofficial build of the Win2DS client and server, both the client and server have been updated
with new code to enhance the speed and quality of the service.


client – allow touch with the pen in zoom screen to click mouse
client – holding L and using ABXY will now use cursor keys
server – all the different mouse pointers (caret, resize, etc) now display correctly on the DS

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Mysterious Song WIP (NDS Game)

Eponasoft are uncovering their first NDS game production called “Mysterious Song” (remember the PCE version recently).

There is currently no download available.

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Woopsi v0.28 (NDS misc)

Woopsi is a Nintendo DS GUI library for rapidly creating user interfaces for homebrew software. Modelled after the AmigaOS windowing system.

Release notes:

A few more changes, the most interesting being:

– No need for PALib. SteveH from the GBADev forum kindly wrote a patch to remove it. Woopsi now ships with two makefiles – one lets you use it with libnds (no PALib required), and one lets you use it with PALib.
– Skinnable screens and windows.
– Animation class and animated buttons.
– Support for 1bpp font bitmaps.

Here’s the complete changelog:

– Fixes:
– Gadget::hideChild() was only hiding previously-hidden children.
– Gadget::hideChild() was moving an iterator in the wrong direction.
– Gadget::closeChild() was moving an iterator in the wrong direction.
– Gadget destructor closes children correctly.
– Gadget::moveChildToHiddenList() was incorrectly reducing the decoration count.
– Gadget::moveChildToDeletedList() was incorrectly reducing the decoration count.
– Gadget destructor did not close hidden children.
– Children and hidden children deregistered from VBL when destructed.
– Woopsi no longer automatically switches screen focus when a screen closes.
– Renamed screenbase and windowbase files back to screen and window.
– Renamed WindowBase class back to Window.
– Swapped Bitmap class for Bitmap struct.
– GraphicsPort now works with const references to clipping rects.
– Fixed GraphicsPort::drawBitmap() clipping on top screen.
– Fixed GraphicsPort::drawFilledRect() clipping on top screen.
– Removed SuperBitmap::newBitmapGraphicsPort() as the top screen offset code in the GraphicsPort made it unworkable.
– VBL count increased before child VBL functions called.
– Font class initialises _isMonochrome variable correctly.
– GraphicsPort and SuperBitmap reset font colour correctly when using colour parameter.
– Window drag initialisation moved into WindowBorderTop gadget.
– Removed Window::checkTitleBarClicked().
– Added const-correctness and implementation hiding to Font classes.
– Removed Gadget::GadgetType enum and all references to it.
– Improved const-correctness of GraphicsPort class.
– BitmapButton works with const u16* bitmap data instead of non-const.
– Swapped bool cast for flag setting in Gadget constructor with PALib-style double logical NOT construct.

– New Features:
– Skinning system.
– Added MonoFont class for 1bpp font support.
– Split Font class into Font and FontBase classes.
– Added Animation class.
– Added GraphicsPort::drawRect().
– PALib is optional.
– Added AnimButton.
– Added GraphicsPort::drawBevelledRect().
– Removed Gadget::drawIntOutline() and replaced with GraphicsPort::drawBevelledRect().
– Added Gadget::getXXXColour() functions.
– Added Gadget::getOutlineType().
– Added AnimButton test.
– Added new ROM icon.

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Virus Chaser (PPC Game)

VirusChaser is about preventing a virus from escaping !

Each turn, you can plot a single wall to try and block the virus, and it’ll then move 1 tile towards the exit…

Each time you manage to capture it’ll, you’ll have to restart with 1 less wall at the beginning… How good a Virus Chaser can get?

Thanks to Mollusk for the news.

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Gpfce v0.4 R313 (NES emu for GP2x)

Gpfce is a Nintendo Entertainment Systeme (NES) for GP2x.

Release notes from Notaz:

Gpfce finally fixes the long standing bug in SMB3 involving missing ground (I hope). But I have not added complete open bus emulation (open bus emulation inaccuracies were the cause of the problem), because most other games don’t seem to require it. It would be nice is somebody played SMB3 from start to completion without using warps and reported back.


Improved open bus emulation, fixes missing ground in some SMB3 levels.
Improved auto frameskip behavior in cases when emu is not fast enough to maintain 50/60 fps.
Fixed a bug which prevented some key combo configurations from working.
Some other minor changes.

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Picodrive v1.35 (Megadrive emu for GP2x)

PicoDrive is Sega Genesis/Mega Drive/Sega CD/Mega CD emulator for various ARM handhelds, currently in the hand of Notaz.


Added .cso ISO format support. Useful for non-FMV games.
It is now possile to force a region after the ROM is loaded.
Fixed a sram bug in memhandlers (fixes Shining in the Darkness saves).
Added additional low volume levels for my late-night gaming sessions (in stereo mode only).
Added “fast forward” action in key config. Not recommended to use for Sega CD, may case problems there.
Some minor generic optimizations.
Patched some code which was crashing under PSP, but was working in GP2X/Giz (although it should have crashed there too).
Readme updated.
Some other small tweaks I forgot about.

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iBlackjack (Alpha 5) (iPhone Game)

iBlackjack is a Blackjack for iPhone and iPod Touch. The worldwide casino favorite Blackjack aka 21 developed in Apple’s UIKit framework, it runs natively on your iPhone/iPod Touch.


Hand total display elements added
Theme support implemented (currently via repository)
Game play and timing fixes
Various cleanup & optimization of the game
Hand over status box changes.

By with 0 comments v2.0.2 (NES emu for iPhone) is a fully functional, feature-rich Nintendo emulator for Apple’s iPhone. uses a heavily modified version of the InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge. In many cases, you are legally entitled to posess a ROM dump of any game that you presently own. ROM images for NES are widely available online, or with the appropriate hardware, you can dump them yourself directly from the cartridge. started as a fork of iPhoneNES v0.01, but has been completely rewritten to run very fast, and with many additional features including sound, multitouch support, full-screen, landscape mode, game genie codes, saved games and much more.


[jonz] Added saved game icon next to saved games in all browsers
[jonz] More code cleanup
[jonz] Improved swiping, removed false swipes when scrolled from center

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