Virtual City 3D v0.1 (Alpha) (NDS Game)

Virtual City 3D (Ville virtuelle en 3D) is a project by hotkebab99, it aims to generate a virtual city in 3D.

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PSPHUGO v1.0.5 (PCE emu for PSP)

PSPHugo is a port on PSP of one latest version of Hu-Go. For those who haven’t seen previous version Hu-Go is a famous emulator of NEC PC Engine console, running on many system such as Linux and Windows. (see for details).


– Major speed improvement
– Text editor to write your own comments on games
– Display first comment line while browsing game files
– Improve cheat menu & memory monitoring engine
– Text editor to modify the global cheat.txt file
– Bug fix in unzip function (if you tried to unzip more than 10 files, it wasn’t able to open any other files, and you had to restart the emulator)

This version doesn’t fix any compatibility issue, so all games that didn’t work with earlier versions still won’t run.

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FlipEm v0.1 (Wii Game)

A puzzle game by Yossi.


FlipEm is a game where you try to get all the squares on the board to have an X in them. When a square is flipped, it gets an X if it was empty, or clears out the X if there was already one there. When you click a square, it and the four around it in a + shape get flipped. Squares off the edge of the board are ignored.

Thanks to for the news!

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Block Breaker (16-10-2008) (GP2x Game)

Block Breaker is a Breakout clone by Akadana.,0,0,0,37,2696

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VisualBoyAdvance GX v1.0.3 (GBA emu for Wii)

Tantric has taken on Emu_Kidid’s port of VisualBoy Advance a Nintendo Gameboy Mono, Color and Advance emulator for the Nintendo Wii and released a completely new and rewritten version.


– New timing / frameskip algorithm – should (hopefully) work 100% better!
– Performance improvements – video threading, PPC core partly activated
– Video zooming option
– Unfiltered video option
– 7z support
– Loading progress bars added


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FCE Ultra GX v2.0.4 (NES emu for Wii)

Tantric has updated his NES emulator FCE Ultra GX.


– Wii DVD fixed
– FDS BIOS loading works now
– FDS disk switching now consistently works with one button press
– FDS saving implemented
– 7z support
– Faster SD/USB (readahead cache enabled)
– VS coin now mapped to 1 button for VS zapper games
– Changed GC controller mappings – Select – Z, Start – Start, Home – Start+A, Special – L


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Unofficial SNES9xGX v006 (SNES emu for Wii)

Michniewski and Tantric updated their SNES9x port to Wii and Gamecube once again.


– added: 480p for GameCube
– added: Sound sync
– added: 7z support
– changed: Faster SD/USB access (readahead cache enabled)
– fixed: Video offset issues
– fixed: BS-X games work now
– fixed: Wii DVD works now
– fixed: DVD re-enabled for GameCube
– fixed: Nunchuk analog stick issues
– fixed: Many crashes, memory leaks, etc

– added: Video shift options
– changed: Turn DVD motor off option re-enabled for GameCube


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BmpToZlibGC v1.1 (Wii misc)

BmpToZlibGC 1.1 is a Windows software to use for Gamecube/Wii homebrew development.


This application was original written by PaceMaker in 2007, and mimicked the GFX2GC code, but with open source and an extra transparency option. I’ve converted Bmp2GC to use the Zlib compression scheme seen in many of the Wiibrew emulators, including Snes9x-GX. By using the compress() and uncompress(), a developer can include large images into their elf files without having to bloat the program. Compression is also largely based on the complexity of the image, so large colored areas will decrease size, along with file sizes.

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3D Engine – Nitro Engine v0.4.0 (NDS misc)

3D Engine – Nitro Engine is a 3D engine coded by Antonia Nino Diaz.

Release notes:

This is a 3D engine, which aim is to make easier the procces of making a 3D game for the DS

-Loader of models and textures from FAT.
-Dual 3D, as easy as normal 3D.
-Can load BMPs of 8, 16, and 24 bits and convert them into textures.
-Hardware-accelerated effects like fog and toon shading.
-You can take screenshots of both screens in dual 3D mode or the 3D screen in normal 3D mode.
-Animated model support.
-2D over 3D system.
-Very basic physics engine.
-API functions.
-2D text in 3D mode, any character size allowed.

-A3I5 texture converter (3 bits of alpha, 5 bits of indexed colors).
-Improve physics engine.
-You can ask me for the things you would like to see.

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Defuse v0.25 (NDS Game)

A game by Eldude, defuse the bomb by cracking the code.


This is the latest version of Defuse, a game by Eldude programmed using DS Game Maker, devkitpro and PAlib.

Crack the code as fast as you can. The quicker you do it, the more points you get. There are 3 difficulty levels: Easy, Medium and Hard. Take your pick – and enjoy!

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