CrypPic by igoon is a free software application based on Java 7 which can be used to encrypt and manipulate the image. What this means is that your picture will still be viewable by others, but it will simply be a mash of pixels that looks like nothing. For them to be able to see the actual image, they need to know the password to decrypt it. Ported/Packed for Pandora by ekianjo.
– Simple, Portable, Powerful and Fast
– Open the image files PNG, GIF, BMP and JPEG
– Encrypt and decrypt the image with a keyword
– Save the encrypted image file with PNG anb BMP format
– Image encryption is compatible with CrypPic ME (Micro Edition)
– Stegano (hidden text / image / file)
– Drawing and image manipulation tools
– Supports drag and drop files / URI to open image
– Filter Plugin-based Java Class
Java Screenshot is a very simple Screenshot taking application by Supal Dubey. Packed/Ported to Pandora by ekianjo. Java needs to be installed on your device!
Master Control by Roger ‘Crionic’ Zoellner is a tool that allows you to use your Pandora as a HID device.
For a complete change log check the documentation (inside PND)
Race Into Space is the free software version of Interplay’s Buzz Aldrin’s Race into Space. This is the reworked version following the source release for the computer version of the Liftoff! board game by Fritz Bronner. This was developed by Strategic Visions and published by Interplay as a disk-based game in 1992 and a CD-ROM in 1994. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.
Donald has let us know via E-Mail that there is a NES homebrew game entered into the recent held Ludum Dare 27, while pointing at the Retro Game Network.
Angry at Faces is the latest NES game from Julius Riecke / Morphcat Games who already made himself a name with “Super Bat Puncher”. Back to the main deal: You are a rabbit and you have to collect carrots… sounds easy? Might be not! 🙂
Picture credits by Retro Game Network
ownCloud Sync is a sync client for ownCloud (and SSH/Samba) which shares/synchronizes files between devices. Ported to Pandora by eyecreate.
Ura Kaiten Patissier is the runner up game of “Kaiten Patissier”, with more possibilities and features. It’s also a touch more difficult than the original series. Kaiten Patissier is a “collect ’em all” game, but with the twist of having a rotating playing field. After collecting all but the last item in each level, a bonus item will appear somewhere in the level, so be sure to keep an eye out for the bonus items if you want to get 100% completion. Ported to Pandora by palstyo.
* Changed Preview Pics as requested from original author
* Application is exactly same so no need to download except first time.
CASPack is a collection of computer algebra (CAS) and graphing applications. Currently includes Mathomatic, Yacas and Gnuplot with extensive documentation and examples.
V2.1.1.1 uploaded. Added JGNUPlot – carried out miscellaneous tweaks and fixes. Further details in ReadMe.txt.
Forsaken is a single/multiplayer 6DoF first person shooter. The game play is generally fast, fun, and arcade like, which lends it self to high paced competitive gameplay. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.
This version is a beta version. It should be fully functional (I tried Single Player and Network, with only 2 Players on Pandora), at least on the beginning but it may crash on later level, with a “Bus error”.
Release notes:
* Initial release
* Beta status, may still “Bus error”
* GLES Renderer, with DownScale of large texture to fit the memory
* Many ARM adaptation, to avoid Float access unaligned (=> bus error)
* Default mapping adapted to the Pandora
Retrogaming Times Monthly #112 is available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on the homebrew scene.
Content of this issue:
* Press Fire To Begin
* Des Gamer – Fanboyism, And The 16-Bit Console Wars Part 6: Turbografx16
* Apple II Incider – My Apple II Game Museum
* Generation Retro
* Jaded Gamer – Has Modern Gaming Passed Me By?
* SegaTastic – Let’s Go VirtuaRacing
* MAME Reviews – Hunchback
* More 64! – Bombuzal
* NES’cade – The Legend of Kage
* Turn To Channel 3 – Deja Vu
* The Retro Junkies Turn To Channel 3 – Streets of Rage
* Something Old, Something New – A DuckTales Remastered Review
* Game Over