Cubicle Shooter v0.5 (PS3 Game)

ThatOtherPerson has updated Cubicle Shooter for the PS3!


Another update for Cubicle Shooter.

Notable changes:
Improved frame rate.
The enemy count has been raised from 25 to 100.
Added movable chairs.
Added a loading screen.
Added running. Just hold down the left analog stick well moving forward to enable it. The camera does a nice wobble from side to side when your running.
Added camera zoom. Hold down L1 to enable the scope. Turning speed is a bit slower when zoomed in which makes it easier to aim at things in the distance.
Added a little bit of momentum / smoothing on the camera rotation. Its faster and more responsive then it is in Killzone 2 but it enough to make it feel smoother and it makes it a bit easier to make slight aiming adjustments.
Increased rate of fire again.
Corrected the width of the 2D elements (the on screen text and the reticule) to take into account the screens aspect ratio. The scope for the newly added camera zoom disregards this and stretches to fit the screen.
Once again game saving/loading has been updated to work with the new additions so your old game save wont work correctly.
By holding down triangle you can split the screen in two with the bottom half displaying whats behind you. Its a feature that I don’t really intend to leave it but its a test and a small first step towards split screen multiplayer.

Move – Left analog stick
Run – L3
Aim – Right analog stick
Shoot – R1
Zoom – L1
Jump – X
Save – Select
Load – Start
split screen backwards view – Triangle

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GPmark Wiz v0.04 (Wiz Application)

GPmark Wiz is a graphics benchmark for Gamepark and similarly powered handhelds.,0,0,0,8,512

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GPmark Caanoo v0.04 (Caanoo Application)

GPmark Caanoo is a graphics benchmark for Gamepark and similarly powered handhelds.,0,0,0,8,584

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PieChart v0.7 (Wii Game)

PieChart is a mish-mash of several Pac Man gameplay styles and themes.


Huge ghost AI revision. They can no longer reverse direction at will; they also can switch between evasive and wandering modes
Animated title screen
Multiple level support
17 new levels! This should keep people occupied until I add more soon
Maze size reduced to allow for HUD options
fixed/added hiscore saving. score.bin MUST exist and it can’t be empty or you’ll get a stack error.
Fixed animation speeds

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SMSPLUS (Beta) (Master System emu for Dingoo)

Reesy has ported the Master System / Game Gear emulator SMSPLUS to Dingoo native!

Release notes:


I’ve taken SMSSDL and ported to the native dingoo firmware using flatmush’s superb SDK.

Its only a beta so there is no menu yet, just a sim which plays SMS or GG games fullscreen with the sound on. I’ll add a menu later which will allow you to tinker with the settings and manage your save states etc.

Download from the link below.

Source code is contained in the file above for those of you who are interested.

The rest of you just need to take the smsplus.sim file and put it into the GAME folder on your Dingoo and then update your jukebox.

NOTE: You’ll need to remove any existing SMS/GG emulator you have in the GAME folder as I have no idea what the Dingoo firmware will do if it finds 2 SIM files which support the same file extensions.


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Tower Toppler (Preview 2) (Dingoo Game Port)

Tower Toppler is a game where you have to help a cute little green animal switch off some kind of “evil” mechanism. The “power off switch” is hidden somewhere in high towers. On your way to the target you need to avoid a lot of strange robots that guard the tower.

Thanks to for the news.

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Lord Runner (03-11-2010) (PSP Lua Game)

Gogy’s remake of Lode Runner coded using PGE LUA.

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Sepulka v0.3c (PSP Application)

Sepulka is Selective Plugin Loader, plugin, that loads other plugins only in a particular case.

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Quake Arena Arcade (R4) (PSP Game)

Quake Arena Arcade seems to be a modification of Quake I: Arena.

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Ballshot v0.12 (PSP Game)

Ballshot by DSPSP.

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