aBlackBook v1.6.0 (Android Application)

aBlackBook is a lifesaver for people who have active dating lives (online or offline) — it keeps track of people, where, how, and when you first met, and the activities (i.e. communications, dates) for each. Allows rating of appearance, personality, chemistry, each date, notes, etc…, everything needed to organize and prioritize a busy dating calendar. Available on Android devices running Android 1.5 and later.

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BabyPlan v0.1.0 (Android misc)

This program helps to choose more convenient month for conception to be more confident in future child’s sex.

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AutoFF v1.2.2 (Android misc)

AutoFF use the service provided by and Twitter to help you in the creation of FollowFriday’s tweets.

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PuzzleStory v1.0.5 (Android Game)

Simple puzzle game with original artworks.

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Tic Tac Tolk v3.0.1 (Android Game)

This is a Tic Tac Toe game with support for Aunndroid 2 Aunndroid ( a2a ) which lets you play the game with your friend, who has the game installed on their android powered mobile phone.

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Isolate (10-03-2010) (A2600 game)

The rules of the game are very simple: Each player has one pawn and a 6×8 grid. Each turn a player will move his or her pawn in one direction to any (still existing) square and then punch out any remaining square. As long as you are still able to move your piece on your turn then you are in the game. If you can’t you are “isolated” and lose the game.

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Ascurrete (29-03-2010 r2) (A2600 Game)

Ascurrete is a small puzzle game based on Orbox-B and Excit.

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iPhoneToday v1.5.1 (PPC Application)

iPhoneToday aims to be an iPhone Today style interface for Pocket PC’s.


Using registry notifications instead of polling for updating notifications (bubbles, date, time, etc.). Notifications (and reloadIcon) should now appear immediately. Battery foot print should also be smaller.
Icon, text, circles, offset sizes, etc. are scaled automatically if the application is launched in a different resolution than the one in settings.xml (LastConfiguredAt).
Bubbles are alpha blended.
Position, size, text, etc. of bubbles are configurable.
Added background image support for static bars (bottom bar and top bar). Gradient background can now be used even when a wallpaper is set. The background (gradient or image) of static bars can be alpha blended to the wallpaper.
ShrinkToFit option of static bars now shrinks the text height in addition to the icon width.
Added font settings dialog.
Renamed “GPRS State” icon to “Cell Network State”.
Added “Missed Calls & Signal Strength & Operator Name” icon.
Added “Unplayed Voice Mails” icon.
Added “Irda State” icon.
Added “Phone Profile” icon.
No sound or vibration on launch if current profile is silent.
When battery is charging a dot is shown before the battery percentage to indicate charging.
If operator name is empty show NA for signal.
Changed the field “type” in the icon settings dialog from dropdown to droplist.
Fonts in the fonts subdirectory are automatically added/removed.
Load strExec and strParameters (in addition to nScreen, nIcon, strName, and strImage) from HKLMSoftwareiPhoneTodayIcon… when HKLMSoftwareiPhoneTodayreloadIcon is set.
Added a separate text quality option for text inside icons.
Added new pressed icons.
Added minimize OnLaunchIcon option (you have to manually edit settings.xml).
Added UpdateWhenInactive option (you have to manually edit settings.xml) to always update notifications even when window is inactive. The default value is 0 to save battery.

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StoneCraft v1.0 (iPhone Game)

Tap a flag and then tap an empty space to move the flag. Let 3 or more flags together to get credits.

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Sexy Glow Dice v1.0 (iPhone misc)

Let you love life glow with Sexy Glow Dice for couples. Simply shake your phone to change the dice images, then take turns preforming the actions on each other:)

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