Jespa3D Engine (GBA misc)

Image provided by: GBAdev.orgThis is an 3D engine created by Jespa. More information and download at GBAdev.org

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Wordingo v0.5 (PSP Lua Game)

Wordingo is a Scrabble game written in Lua. Changes:

0.5-Removed 1P QuickPlay.-Invalid plays will now be removed from the board.-Added option to get to the Word Finder during the game using the Rack Letters – Cheating!-Added option to check the current play.-Fixed a bug where changing letters on the first go would cause problems.-Added back buttons to some menus.-Tarted up the menus a bit.-Added option to choose a dictionary.-Added tile drawing to determine who goes first.

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PSP Hacking 101 Video Episode 13 (PSP misc)

Image provided by: UnknownTwo guys explaining intresting PSP things… 🙂 This episode: MPH Game Loader – A good Tutorial, Run UMD Experimental

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ASCII Pong v0.3 (GP2x Game)

PokeParadox has updated his Pong game which is using ASCII characteres only.,0,0,0,27,1381

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DSLife (NDS misc)

Image provided by: Matt LuckettExperimental Life program. Life Implementation with Eye Candy.

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DSokoban (NDS Game)

Image provided by: Matt LuckettHere comes a from scratch coded Sokoban for the NDS:

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WTF (NDS misc)

Release notes:

Random Broken Demo Got a pretty cool effect from a failed attempt at making a cool demo. Check this out on hardware for some strange sitings…with it getting better over time.

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Mass and Volume Engine (NDS Techdemo)

Image provided by: Matt LuckettRelease notes:

A while back I worked on creating a Mass and Volume class. This was supposed to be for a physics/space simulation engine, but I forgot about it and just found it today. It was coded for 2D at the moment, as 3D isn’t neccessary for testing.The particles don’t actually interract yet…They just fly freely like in space, and wrap screen.

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3DSMass (NDS Techdemo)

Image provided by: l337h4x0mgA Techdemo for the NDS…

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MultiTouch Demo u2 (NDS Techdemo)

Image provided by: l337h4x0mgRelease notes:

Well, I just cracked this demo out, but I’m gonna have to verify the results and test calculating the angle between the touches. This is a proof of concept multitouch demo that covers the same ‘angle calculation’ thing Nintendo patented. It put people in a panic about a new ds or something, but i knew what they were really doing. Only takes two touches!

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