The Way (PSP Lua Game)

You have to remember a way, which is marked with grey or black fields for 5 seconds. After that, you have to control your “block” through the fields the same way.,5336.0.html

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PockeTwit (r28) (PPC Application)

PockeTwit is a twitter client for the Windows Mobile Professional platform.

– A unique user interface
– Display public, user, and friends timelines
– Update status
– URL shortining with
– Reply to tweets
– Show profiles
– Clickable @names and URLs
– Option to check for new version on startup


Image preview indicator for TwitPic. UI Bug fixes


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Info Portable v2.5 (PSP Application)

Info Portable shows a variety of data about your PSP such as battery life, motherboard information and more.

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OoblikXMB v0.3 (Beta) (PSP Application)

This a XMB replacement project for the PSP. So far everything is visually customizable. Check Config.cfg and Skin.cfg in the

Skins/Default folder for more information.

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Picture This (PSP Game)

In this very simple game, you compare the pictures to find the 8 differences.

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ThrottleLock v0.1 (PPC Application)

ThrottleLock is a pattern based lock application, fully skinable and with multilanguaje support.

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GoSub2 v13 (A2600 Game)

atari2600land updated his game GoSub2.

Release notes:

The last maze has been added and I also added a Game Over screen. So, the game is almost done. You can find the latest version here. By the way, if you want to see the last maze I added (the second-to-last in the game), change the level # in the “begin” piece of code to 23 and compile.

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Paint Black DS v1.2 (NDS Application)

Paint Black DS is an application to create black/white drawings. This is made possible by the use of 26 different shapes.

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Monaco GP2x v1.0.2b (GP2x Game)

“Monaco GP2X” is a classic 2D retro by design top down racer inspired by many retro racing games on the Commodore 64 and Arcade formats.


Fix occasional lockup on AI look ahead

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By mistake we stumbled over a new homebrew news page called “Homebrewgames”.

The guys there are building up, great to see another place taking care of homebrew!

Good Luck!

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