Cab Batch Install (PPC Application)

This small app will help you out when you have a bunch of cab files to install after flashing the new rom.

How to use:
1. Select or input a directory that contains a bunch of cab files.
2. Generate the list file that is [INSERT SELECTED DIRECTORY]batch-list.txt. You can manually edit this file to select which to install.
3. Batch install. It will promot you if you really want to install that file.

1. The small utility can not silently install cab files.

1. More UI friendly to select the files.

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PSPSeq v3.00 (PSP Application)

PSPSeq is a homebrew audio synthesis and sequencing application for making music on the PSP.

New features:

– loading and saving of synthesizer presets
– exponential frequency modifying envelopes for all generators
– memory optimizations allowing for handling up to 7 MBytes of samples within a song
– FM generators improved to include feedback parameters
– per-step pan
– faster load/save of sequencer data
– configurable color schemes
– better envelope controls

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Coverflow WIP (PSP Application)

sony psp player is still working on his PSP application Coverflow.

Quote from sony psp player:


I’m here to tell you that my (now our) project is still alive. Nielkie joined me. He has done a cover search function.

List of new features:
-Progress bar
-Cover search
-less bugs due to new id3lib by Nilkie
-Album based (far from working)

The menu in the video is not finished yet, nor is the cover search function, but i wanted to give you an idea of it.


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JelloPhysics v0.2 (Beta) (PSP Port misc)

Drakon ported Walabers JelloPhysics ( ) soft body library to Playstation Portable.

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Pong v0.2 (PSP Lua Game)

Digikid13 comes up with a Pong written in Miro Lua.

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Hold Plus v2.6 (PSP Application)

News from Torch:

What does Hold+ do when the switch is enabled?

* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 61MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitrary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 61MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows operation of the PSP with the display turned off, to change volume, skip songs etc.

Release notes:

Modified the code a bit so that it should work better in GAME mode, although I don’t really support using it in GAME mode.

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Basilisk II (Test 18) (MacOS emu for PSP)

Basilisk II is an Open Source 68k Macintosh emulator.

Release notes from J.F.:

Here’s test 18. Cross your fingers and hope this fixes it ONCE AND FOR ALL. If you’re any decent at beta testing, you’ll notice the new PSP setting for relaxed timing on the 60 Hz IRQ. When enabled, the 60 Hz timer waits about 16 ms from whatever the time currently is, so you get the 60 Hz IRQ about 60 times a sec, but no guarantees. Disabled uses the default B2 code to try to maintain a drift-free 60 Hz interrupt. This naturally uses more time and can bog down the Mac depending on what else is going on. The default is relaxed timing, which is much smoother.

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WiiOperation v1.2.0 (Wii Game)

WiiOperation is an operation-esque clone for the Wii. Game involves extracting bones from tight corners; and the old familiar zap to remind us that surgery isn’t for everyone.

Custom user content is available and easily added by using the included WiiOperation Level Builder.

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Ultra-FastReflexes v1 (NDS Game)

Montyspy has updated his reflection game “Ultra-FastReflexes”.

This game will give you a direction and you have to press it as fast as possible. Additionally there could also be action buttons like “B”, “A” and so on… which you have to press as fast as possible too.

This release is an massive update from the last release (v0.3).

Thanks to for the news.,2700.0.html

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FAT Player MikMod v5 (NDS Application)

Here comes a new version of FAP Player MikMod, which is developed by Cid2Mizard and Kuculcan. FAT Player MikMod is based upon is using the MikMod library to play dozens of audio formats.


-New interface, new graphics.
-Improved performance of visualizeur frequency (zero values are now reset to zero).
-Improving the fluidity of visualizeur (capture frequencies Accelerated).
-Switch screen.
-Managing channels (Power On/Off) with the stylus.
-Add Repeat and Random.
-Bug fix the opening, only compatible files are displayed (Warning not to file without extension on / Musics).
-Bug fix the number page.
-Many bug fix, (FAT, etc..) usually the player is much more fluid than before.

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