PicoDrive v1.40c (Genesis emu for GP2x)

Notaz has updated his Genesis and Sega CD emulator for GP2x. This release is just a tiny bugfix release.,0,0,0,71,2547

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Box Maze (Preliminary Version) (PSP Lua Game)

Collect as many green boxes as possible before the timer reaches 20. When you touch the green box, you gain a point, you are returned to the starting place, and the green box randomly reappears somewhere else on the screen. You can also not touch the black box or you die. You can go off the screen, though, and you will have to in order to get to the green boxes (that is part of the fun of the game). When you go off the screen to the left, you appear on the right, and vice versa, and when you go off on the top, you appear on the bottom, and vice versa.

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Pixel Fixer v1.0 (PSP Application)

Pixel Fixer tries to revitalize stuck pixel on your PSP LCD.

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LuaPlayerHM v6 (PSP Application)

LuaPlayerHM is a modified Lua Player application.


System.runeboot() Loads and starts a *.PBP File Eg. System.runeboot(“ms0:/Eboot.PBP”)

System.playerVer() Returns the LuaPlayerHM version Eg. ver = System.playerVer()

System.cfwVersion() Displays the CFW Firmware Version Eg 3.90 or 2.50 Doesnot include M33 addon

System.loadPrx() Loads a Prx file and starts it. Warning it could cause the player to not function properly or crask the system

System.nickName() Returns the psp’s nickname Eg. name = System.nickname

System.message() Prints a message to the screen with Yes,no,back options. Eg. System.message(“Hello”,0) has only back option Eg. System.message(“Hello”,1) has Yes,No and back options.

System.buttonPressed() Performs an action from the option selected in the System.message() function Eg. button = System.buttonPressed() If button == “yes” then System.Quit() end

System.copyFile() Copys a file from one place to another Eg.
System.copyFile(“oldfiled”,””, 1) Will copy the file from one place to another and delete the replace 1 with 0 to not delete the

System.suspend() Puts the PSp into suspend mode

System.shutdown() Shuts down the psp

System.startUMD() Load and runs a UMD in the UMD Drive. If no UMD then a message is displayed and tells there is no UMD in the Drive

System.startISO() Loads and runs a ISO image from the memory stick.
Eg. System.startISO(“ms0:/ISO/game.iso”) UMD MODE SET TO OE isofs

System.startPSX() Loads and Starts a Ps1 game from the playstaton store (PSX)

System.startOSK() Displays the On screen Keyboard. Eg outputtxt = System.startOSK() screenprint(1,1,outputtx t,red)

System.startGameSave() Saves game data Eg System.startGameSave(“Nam e of savegame”,”Name of game”,”Details/message”,data to save)

System.startGameLoad() Loads the save data selected Eg data = System.startGameLoad()

System.usbDevFlash0() Sets the USB device to be Flash0

System.usbDevFlash1() Sets the USB device to be Flash1

System.usbDevFlash2() Sets the USB device to be Flash2

System.usbDevFlash3() Sets the USB device to be Flash3

System.usbDevUMD() Sets the USB device to be the UMD Drive. If no disk it will tell you and use the memory stick insted. The UMD will be read as a ISO image

System.getModel() Reterns either PHAT or SLIM

%%%%%%%%%%%%Wlan Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Wlan.init() Initates the wireless and Netdialog selection screen
Wlan.term() Terminates the wireless
Wlan.getIP() Returns the IP address

%%%%%%%%%%%%Socket Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Socket.connect() Connects to a host and port Eg. Socket.connect(“www.googl”,80)
Socket.createServerSocket () makes a socket usable Eg Socket.creatServerSocket( 80)
&&&Socket methods&&&
Socket.isConnected() Returns a 1 if connected
Socket.accept() will accept conections
Socket.send() Will send http calls
Socket.recv() Will receve data from a send
Socket.close() Will close all sockets that is open
&&&Socket meta&&&

%%%%%%%%%%%%Adhoc Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Adhoc.init() Initates the Adhoc

Adhoc.connect() Connects to the adhoc or makes a adhoc connection

Adhoc.getState() Returns the state of the connection 1=ok 0=error

Adhoc.send() Sends data Eg Adhoc.send(“hello”)

Adhoc.recv() Receives data send from another psp as a string Eg data = Adhoc.recv()
Adhoc.term() Terminates the Adhoc

Adhoc.getMac() Returns the mac address of the psp. The Adhoc does not need to be Init to use it.

%%%%%%%%%%%%UMD Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
UMD.init() initiats the UMD drive and checks for a Disk. If no disk it displays a message and does not load the UMD drive. UMD drive is “disk0:”

UMD.term() Stops the Umd drive

UMD.checkDisk() Checks if there is a disk in the drive.


Following functions are only for Fw 1.52 and Lower

Following functions are only for Fw 2.00 and higher
All Adhoc
All Wlan

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MobileScrobbler v1.4.3 (iPhone Application)

MobileScrobbler connects your Apple iPhone or iPod Touch with the social music website. As you listen to music on your device, MobileScrobbler sends the title, artist, and album to the website. uses this information to suggest new music, new friends, concerts, and events based on the music you listen to.


Scrobble tracks as you listen on your iPhone / iPod touch
Queues songs for submission when offline and automatically submits them the next time you connect
Listen to radio over EDGE or wifi
Tag songs as ‘love’ or ‘ban’
View album artwork and artist data for songs as you listen
View lyrics for the currently playing song
View upcoming concert events and add them to your calendar
All data is cached for offline viewing
Browse your friends and listen to their radio stations
Integrated with the iPhone / iPod Touch settings application
Multitouch gestures to ban, love, and skip tracks
View your top artists, top tracks, and top albums
Ban and love tracks from the Recent Tracks list
Browse a top listener’s profile by tapping their username
Display arbitrary track metadata by passing command line arguments -track, -artist, and -album


New Features
New radio player HUD contributed by Smooquai
New radio icons contributed by CompC
Add an option to queue tracks while device is asleep
Updated French, German, Italian, Norwegian, and Russian translations

Bug Fixes
Fix a crash that can occur when playing a non-existant playlist
Fix a crash that can occur when the server is unreachable
Stop caching playlists
Improved detection of duplicate scrobbles

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NDSMail WIP (NDS Application)

It has been silent around bronto and his NDS email client “NDSMail”. Yesterday there were some WIP news.


It’s been some time since the last release, as I’ve been very busy lately. As a consequence, I will finish implementing some features I’ve started (themes..), clean up the code and look for someone to maintain it. Remembering what happened to a certain instant messaging application, it probably won’t be open source. If anyone is interested, please contact me.

It seems people are still not aware of it, but WEP is NOT safe at all. See the wikipedia entry.
This is the reason why WEP support is on low priority. If you want security, use a SSL-secured connection.

Forum (+ Max-Network)
The forum is currently offline.

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OpenIntents v0.1.6 (Android misc)

Imagine your Android “cookbook” application tells you to buy eggs, ginger, and cardamom, your “birthday reminder” application suggests you to buy a blue tulip (for a friend who loves the color blue), and your computer at home notifies your mobile phone that the color cartridge of your printer is almost empty. Would you like to receive three notifications by three different programs next time you are close to a supermarket? Or rather have them all store that information in your central shopping list? (by the way, your internet auction application that watches the central shopping list has already found an interesting offer for that blue tulip…)

Imagine you have to specify for a handful of programs (the favorite “ring-tone selector” application, your “answering machine”, your “smart to-do list”, your “calendar”, your “work time log”, …) where your “home”, your “office”, “gym”, “music school”, etc. is located by specifying the latitude and longitude or the corresponding street address for each of these applications. Would you not rather have a central place for your favorite locations that all applications can easily share?

(Many more ideas can be found on our list of ideas)

Keep your one great idea a secret that could make you win the Android Developer Challenge, but share those obvious and common ideas that you encounter while implementing and that you think could be used in many other applications as well. We will develop the most-required components together (e.g. a central shopping list), so you can concentrate on implementing your core idea (e.g. the weight-watching cookbook) while having interoperability with many other great OpenIntents applications built in right from the start.

Join this project if you have great ideas to share or if you are a good developer and look for a low-risk project.

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Gianas Return WIP (GP2x Game)

News from the Giana’s Return team… for those who don’t know, Giana’s Return is a heavily “The Great Giana Sisters” influenced 2D jump’n’run game, which will be released for multiple platforms.


World 4 has been tested and declared as almost bugfree. There seems to be a bee which does not behave as it should, but with some modification, everything should go, or fly, it’s way

As soon as we have the modified clouds, we _might_ consider taking a video, but the chance of “more screenshots” is slightly higher.

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RAM Editor (Wii Application)

Simple/useless RAM editor that demonstrates how to do stuff. If you’re really bored you could use this to write machine code into RAM and execute it.

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SMSAdvance v2.4 (SMS emu for GBA)

FluBBa has released a minor update of his Sega Master System emulator for Gameboy Advance.


* Fixed config loading for gamma setting.

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