OpenTTD PSP (08-02-2006) (PSP Game Port)

OpenTTD for the PSP got an update. Thanks to psp-news for the news. Changes:

  • Map button crash fixed&window resized
  • Scenario select window resized
  • Scenario creation toolbar resized
  • Dropdown menus from toolbar repositioned
  • News sumary positioning fixed
  • Crash when pressing rail construction blank space fixed
  • Save/Load windows resized to fit ok
  • Mouse algorithm improved
  • Mouse getting out the screen fixed
  • Cpu speed changed to 222mhz by default
  • Ctrl + click support added, used for presignals (square + cross)

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    eReader (09-02-2006) (GP2x Application)

    Image provided by: archive.gp2x.deNeglox released an eBook Reader for the GP2x.,0,0,0,8,1243

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    Freedroid v0.2 (GP2x Game Port)

    Image provided by: GP32SpainParkyDR has updated his port of Freedroid. It is a bit faster and got a better joystick handling.,0,0,0,27,1209

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    REminiscence32 (GP32 Game Port)

    Image provided by: GP32xA600 released a port of REminiscence for the GP32.

    REminiscence is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game Flashback made by Delphine Software and released in 1992.

    Only the PC DOS versions are supported. The engine has been reported to work with english, french, german and spanish versions of the game.

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    ZModem (08-02-2006) (GP2x Application)

    Bjimba has ported lrzsz to the GP2x.

    This is a port of lrzsz to the GP2X handheld. The intended use is for transferring files to and from the GP2X while connected via a USB-serial connection.,0,0,0,8,1242

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    Selector v0.7 (GP2x Application)

    Image provided by: archive.gp2x.deThe file launcher Selector by Kounch has been updates. Changes:

    Added turkish translation, thanks to techFreak from gp32 Extreme boards.,0,0,0,7,1038

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    EmeraldWings (09-02-2006) (GP32 Game)

    Image provided by: GP32SpainDjis released his shoot-em-up game EmeraldWings for the GP32.,0,0,0,30,1001

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    GNGNeo2x v0.6.9 (NeoGeo emu for GP2x)

    GNGNeo2x is a NeoGeo emulator for the GP2x and recieved an update. Thanks to GP32Spain/GP32x for the news.

    It now supports Universal Bios and a KOF99-bug has been fixed.,0,0,0,5,1098

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    fMSX (09-02-2006) (MSX emu for GP2x)

    A600 has released a first version of his MSX/MSX2 emulator for the GP2x.,0,0,0,5,1236

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    Temporary News-Service slowdown (PDRoms misc)

    poqa’ko = outpowered and heavily ill. Regular News-Service will return in a few days – poqa’ko/pdroms

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