Attack Of The Mutants (Metroid MOD) (PSP Game)

ArKo did a graphics modification of”Attack Of The Mutants”as well. This one is with a Metroid theme. Just unzip the graphics into your AOTM directory, thats all.

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Attack Of The Mutants (Star Wars MOD) (Beta) (PSP Game)

This is a Star Wars theme modification for DeNitro’s Attack Of The Mutants by Jdemon. Just overwrite the folders to your gamecard.

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Alien Hunt v1.1 (PSP Lua Game)

agrecords has updated his”Duck Hunt”modification for PSP Lua. Thanks to mhaggar for the news. Changes:

  • 1. Once On Target, Hold R and X for Rapid Fire MISC.
  • 2. Added New Icon And Background Behind Icon

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    Wall Breaker v0.03 (PSP Lua Game)

    Diggen has updated his Lua-Game”Wall Breaker”.

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    C4 – 2005 Saturn Coding Contest Reminder (Sega Saturn misc)

    Rockin-B is running a coding competition for Sega Saturn! If you haven’t heared of it yet, you can get all information from:

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    LUA Hiragana Quiz (PSP Lua misc)

    This is a”quiz”to learn japanese hiragana.,0,0,0,21,1588

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    PSPRadio v0.36 Pre 2 (PSP Application)

    PSPRadio is an internet radio client for Sony’s PSP. Changes:

  • (sandberg) Added support for the option menu in the 3D UI.
  • (jpfouch48) GraphicsUI playlist browser and playlist item browser is now functional
  • (jpfouch48) Made the text display funtions more modulare to make future enhancments easier
  • (jpfouch48) Added a unique ItemIndex to the MetaData structure and directorydata structure to make the browsable playlist integration a little bit easier
  • (raf) Some more work on the OGG decoder.
  • (raf) Now TextUI will display selectable lists for playlist and playlist entries
  • (raf) Made the current selections more dynamic so they follow the list.
  • (raf) Changed user interface for playlist access: User now uses UP/DOWN to select a playlist, then press X or O to go and select an entry. Navigation in entries box is also with UP/DOWN. User can also use<- or ->to go back and forth between List and Entries. (need to iron out)
  • (jpfouch48) Added options screen
  • (jpfouch48) Updated how playlist scrolls
  • (jpfouch48) Fixed problem with theme clipping song filename in upper pannel

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    LUA Button Mashing Revolution (PSP Lua Game)

    LUA Button Mashing Revolution is a nice looking and partitialy polished Dance Dance Revolution like game for the PSP.,0,0,0,12,1586

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    ProfShips (PSP Game)

    ProfShips is another Battleships game for the PSP. Grab it from:,0,0,0,12,1583

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    DSMinesweep (20-10-2005) (NDS Game)

    The author of”DSMinesweep”has updated his Minesweeper remake for the Nintendo DS. Here are the release notes:

    I fixed more bugs and updated graphics. (download updated) This game is now quite ready. I’ll add some sounds when I got change to run my code on a real ds (emulators doesn’t support sound yet). Please report me if you find bugs 🙂

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