DS Sampling Keyboard (NDS Application)

Image provided by: _0xtobDS Sampling Keyboard is a”Sampling Keyboard”for the Nintendo DS by _0xtob.

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Zotbot DS (11-10-2005) (NDS Game)

creepyplaidman is still improving his game Zotbot. The recent changes:

I’ve added a new level to the preview release of zotbot that features a grind rail. I’ve also updated the collision detection a bit.

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Lethal Enforcers 2 Clone WIP (PSP Lua Game)

Image provided by: Dark KillerDark Killer is working on a new shooter game made in Lua. It’s a remake of a game called”Lethal Enforcers 2″. The current state is just an”work in progress”preview but should already give an idea how the game might look like.

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Peanut Butter Jelly Wars v1.0 (PSP Lua Game)

The purpose of this game is to shoot a badger. There are 3 levels of difficulty: easy, normal and hard. Shoot the badger with X or R button.This game is all written in LUA and divided into functions so

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File Assistant ++ v0.09 Alpha (PSP Application)

An alpha version of”File Assistent”has been released. It helps you to organize files directly ony our memory stick. Changes:

  • [!] Filenames are now correctly read.
  • [+] Memory stick free space is displayed.
  • [+] Date and time is displayed on the HUD.
  • [+] First pass of SWF player, very very buggy!
  • [+] LUA files are now supported and return to FA++.
  • [+] Atari YM player support.
  • [!] Amiga AHX module replay rate fixed.
  • [+] Images can be zoomed and moved on via analog and dpad.
  • [~] Text entry is improved.
  • [~] HOME button now brings up an exit message box.
  • [~] Background bars can be disabled in skin.xml
  • [~] The position of HUD icons can be configured.
  • [+] Credits screen. [+] Amazing skins package!

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    FTP Client v0.99b (PSP Application)

    Image provided by: liquid8d“FTP Client”by liquid8d is a FTP Client for your PSP.

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    Crazy Paint v0.3 (PSP Application)

    elevationsnow has released an improved version of Crazy Paint for the PSP. Few of the changes:

  • added gui you can make your own save it in crazypaint2/gui.png
  • added load function loads photo/crazypaint.png
  • save funtion saves to photo/crazypaint.png
  • added brush size up/down to change from 1 px to 5px
  • removed annoying color changer just go over the color you want and hit Ltrigger

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    Bookr v0.6.0 (PSP Application)

    Bookr is a document reader for the Sony PSP with native PDF rendering.

  • Added a bookmarks menu with support for multiple user bookmarks.
  • Added a fast scroll mode for PDF files.
  • Added selectable font, font size and colors for the plain text viewer.
  • Supports any TrueType font.
  • Fixed centering of landscape PDF files. Only available in fast scroll mode.
  • Minor UI enhancements, like scrollbars for long menus and error and warning popups.

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    Basilisk II (12-10-2005) (MacOS emu for PSP)

    Basilisk II is an Open Source 68k Macintosh emulator. That is, it allows you to run 68k MacOS software on your computer, even if you are using a different operating system. However, you still need a copy of MacOS and a Macintosh ROM image to use Basilisk II. ChaosKnight ported Basilisk II over to the PSP. The download is available in the release threat.

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    NEO4ALL Beta 3 (NeoGeo CD emu for DC)

    NEO4ALL is an alternative Open Source NEOGEO/CD emulator for the Dreamcast console by Chui&Fox68k. Features:

  • Close to fullspeed emulation (frameskip0 with sound-fx).
  • Fast FAME Motorola 68000 core by Fox68k.
  • MAME Z80 core.
  • Custom PowerVR2 graphic core (fast tile caching).
  • Autoframeskip for real speed.
  • Joystick is emulated with analog and digital pad + A,B,X,Y and Start/R-Trigger.
  • Complete menu with L-Trigger: region selector, frameskip control, graphic filtering, hardware reset…
  • Crystalline sound without lag.
  • Both control players emulated.
  • A lot of games work.

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