gtk-gnutella (Gnutella) v0.98.0.1 (Pandora Application Port)

gtk-gnutella is a decentralized Peer to Peer information exchanging network. At the moment you can publish and download files of any kind using the Gnutella network. Ported to Pandora by Ekianjo.

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TeX Live (Texlive) v2012.0.0.2 (Pandora Application Port)

TeX Live is an easy way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. It provides a comprehensive TeX system with binaries for most flavors of Unix, including GNU/Linux, and also Windows.

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Circuit Simulator v1.0.0.0 (Pandora Java Application Port)

Circuit Simulator by Paul Falstad is an electronic circuit simulator. Ported to Pandora by dimag0g.

When the applet starts up you will see an animated schematic of a simple LRC circuit. The green color indicates positive voltage. The gray color indicates ground. A red color indicates negative voltage. The moving yellow dots indicate current. To turn a switch on or off, just click on it. If you move the mouse over any component of the circuit, you will see a short description of that component and its current state in the lower right corner of the window.

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GearHead 2 v0.628.0.03 (Pandora Game Port)

GearHead 2 is a giant robot roguelike role playing game set five years after the events of GH1. Features include random plot generation, detailed character creation, tactical/RPG modes, graphical/ASCII interfaces, and many kinds of mecha to play with. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* Corrected Customized Mech controls.
* Added diagonal control (‘w’, ‘r’, ‘z’, ‘c’), talk to npc is now ‘k’, toogle run is now ‘t’
* Resized some dialogs to better fit the screen

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OpenXcom v0.9.0.4 (Pandora misc Port)

OpenXcom is an open-source remake of the popular UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-Com: UFO Defense in USA) videogame by Microprose, licensed under the GPL and written in C++ / SDL. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.

How to install:

* Need Timidity Midi Installer.
* Need original data files for Xcom Enemy Unknown or Xcom Ufo defense.
* Data folder: appdata/openxcom/share/openxcom/data
* First execution ask for password to copy /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg to /etc or game will not start.
* More info:


– Compiled with SDL_gfx-2.0.24.
– Preview path as default on first start.
– Updated to last git upstream.

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Baller Maze v1.1 (Wii Game)

Baller Maze by Leshek Gorecki is a simple maze mini-game for the WII. Written in C using GX.


* The new title page with navigation.
* personal results.
* A few new boards.

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FBZX Wii v10.2 (ZX Spectrum emu for Wii)

FBZX is a ZX Spectrum emulator for FrameBuffer written by Sergio Costasand ported as FBZX Wii to Wii by Oibaf.

Main features:

* Emulates accurately the Original 48Kspectrum (both issue 2 and issue 3), the classic 128K, the Amstrad Plus 2, the Amstrad Plus 2A and the Spanish 128K. This includes screen, keyboard and sound (both speaker and AY-3-8912 chip).
* Screen emulation is extremely accurate, so it can emulate border effects and even attribute effects.
* Supports Z80 snapshots, both loading and saving, and loading .SNA snapshots.
* Supports TAP (both read and write) and TZX (only read) tape files, supporting normal speed loading and fast speed loading.
* Emulates up to 2 joysticks of types: kempston, cursor and sinclair1 and sinclair2.
* All the wiimote, nunchuck and classic controller buttons and joypads are fully configurable.
* Virtual keyboard support.
* Emulates the Interface I and Microdrive.
* Emulates the ULAPlus
* Based in a new, fully free, Z80 emulator (Z80Free).


* fixed bug in 128k sna format
* fixed small bugs in z80 core
* fixed bugs in tape emulation (Speedlock 4-7, Softlock and Powerload work now)
* Improved code and tape loading speed

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Rockdodger v0.9.0.5 (Pandora Game Port)

Rockdodger aka Space Rocks aka Rock Dodger is a dodging game. Dodge the rocks for as long as possible until you die. Kill greeblies to make the universe safe for non-greeblie life once again. Ported to Pandora by RP Krawczyk.


This new version had some bugs fixed and we now have a demo screen.

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2600.emu v1.5.11.07 (A2600 emu for Pandora)

2600.emu is a part of the emu-ex-plus-alpha multi-system emulation framework and emulates an Atari 2600. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* In sync with official v1.5.11 version
* No more artefacts on Gigahetrz Pandora in menu, thanks to the author.
* Lots of GUI update, thanks to the original author of the serie.
* Use “Space” to go to menu, except for computers emu (like C64 & MSX), where it’s “Start”
* In Menu, use {X} to validate, {B} to cancel

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C64.emu v1.5.11.07 (C64 emu for Pandora)

C64.emu is a part of the emu-ex-plus-alpha multi-system emulation framework and emulates a Commodore 64. Emulation core is based upon VICE. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.

Release notes:

* In sync with official v1.5.11 version
* No more artefacts on Gigahetrz Pandora in menu, thanks to the author.
* Lots of GUI update, thanks to the original author of the serie.
* Use “Space” to go to menu, except for computers emu (like C64 & MSX), where it’s “Start”
* In Menu, use {X} to validate, {B} to cancel

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