Underwatch by n33kos has been updated and is an objective based team shooter demake for PICO-8. The objective is to capture the control point (marked in orange) by ensuring that only your teammates are occupying the area. You must eliminate your enemies and raise your team’s capture meter to 100% before the other team does!
Pröng by ilkke is a mutant game of pong. Also a techno-thriller dating sim. This was a bit of an experiment combining many different game mechanics together.
In Rogue, the player assumes the role of an adventurer. The game starts at the uppermost level of an unmapped dungeon with a myriad of monsters and treasures. The goal is to descend to the bottom level, retrieve the Amulet of Yendor, and then ascend to the surface. Until the Amulet is retrieved, the player cannot return to earlier levels. Monsters in the levels become progressively more difficult to defeat.
BRAKEOWT is a Breakout game for the PICO-8 by benamas. The gameplay is quite simple but does the job.
Still to-do:
– multiballs
– half-size bricks, invincible bricks, and multi-HP bricks
– perfect collisions
Underwatch by n33kos is an objective based team shooter demake for PICO-8.
Cyclo 8 by NuSan is a really great biking game. There is a parkour of seven levels and it’s lot’s of fun! Additionally there are fifteen items to pick up each levels.
Horror Jelpi is a PICO-8 game by mickio1. It’s a very tiny Jump’n Run platformer.
PICORACER-2048 is a really fun racing game for PICO-8 by impbox.
– 8 set looping tracks, 3 laps each
– Level editor (needs some more work)
Double Trouble is a PICO-8 game by RubberKeyKid. The aim of the game is to get the two knights to the big trapdoor (with the key) to escape the level. You control both knights at the same time. The right knight follows your key presses as you would expect, but the blue knight does the opposite.